
Responses from audiokinesis

Sub woofers for electrostatics
I've had good results with the Bugtussel Tegmentum sub (which I sell). The transmission-line Tegmentum has low coloration with good transient response (very low overhang), as well as an extremely flexible crossover/equalizer built in, which is esp... 
Best amps for full range electrostatic loudspeaker
I own and sell Sound Labs, and also sell several amplifiers that work well with 'em - including Atma-Sphere, Wolcott, Parasound JC-1, InnerSound, GamuT, and Clayton Audio. Among the amplifiers that customers of mine have had good results with incl... 
Help Need new speakers.
It's important that the main left & right speakers have the same voicing as the center channel. The surrounds are less critical in this respect. Assuming you're committed to keeping your center channel, I'd suggest if possible using the same b... 
Your ''best kept secret'' speaker choice ?
The little Maggie MMG should be outlawed. Banned. Verboten. Interdict. Kapu. No $550 a pair speaker has any business sounding that damn good. And those Quad 57's still floating around - geeze, let's get 'em off the market already. Their time is ov... 
Will Quad 989s work well in my active room?
Hello Eetheredge, Quads will work fine in your room. Just give them some space behind to breathe.By "active", I presume you mean your room is acoustically very lively, with lots of reverberant energy. That's not necessarily a bad thing. You'll be ... 
dac help for hard drive digital.
I'm not sure what your budget is, but it's possible that the Birdland Odeon-AG might work well for you. You can switch between three inputs: Two toslinks, and then a BNC and XLR connector share the third input (only one of them will be active so y... 
Goldmund vs. Atma-Sphere
The first question that comes to mind is: What speakers do you have? The S-30 doesn't like low impdance loads, so some care is necessary in loudspeaker selection and/or interfacing. I'm using M-60's with Zero autoformers in a demo system, and the ... 
Best Used Solid State Amp for less than $5000?
Hello Russelrcncom,I have a customer who tried the JC-1's and CAM-350's (as well as a few other amps) in his system driving Sound Lab electrostats, and he ended up purchasing the JC-1's. That may or may not bear any relationship to how they sound ... 
Alternative to Plinius SA-102?
Hello Inpieces,I passed your e-mail contact information on to Richard Schram, the president of Parasound, and he said he'd have someone get in touch with you. Best of luck to you!Duke 
How to evaluate speakers?
First, it would be helpful if you do some blind listening - that is, where you don't know which speaker is which. Use single speaker vs. single speaker, as it probably won't be posssible to position two pairs of speakers for comparable sound in yo... 
Reference quality line stage?
Hello Glider,The Blowtorch is fantastic. Best solid state preamp I've ever heard, and quite possibly the best regardless of type. Nope, I don't sell 'em. You might also want to consider the Atma-Sphere MP-1, which it just so happens I do sell (sur... 
Boomy bass in home theater room
I think Rives' suggestion is probably an excellent solution. Can you identify whether the midbass boom is in the region covered by the main speakers, or by the subwoofer? Does it go away when you turn off the sub? If so, then lower the crossover f... 
What causes 1 speaker to distort unexpectedly?
Swap your left & right speaker leads, and see if the problem stays in the same speaker or follows the speaker cables. If it follows the speaker cables, then it's upstream of the speakers. Next switch the left and right inputs on your amplifier... 
Speaker cables for panels of Martin Logan Sequel
While I'm not a Martin Logan dealer, I own and sell electrostats and sort of specialize in amps and cabling that works well with 'stats. I've chosen to become a dealer for Magnan, Audience, and Purist based largely on their speaker cables' perform... 
I've lost my bass....
Try listening with your back right up against the wall - the bass is usually stronger near room boundaries. If that doesn't work or if it's impractical, then Newbee's suggestion is probably the most effective solution.