Responses from audiokinesis
getting a little obsessed with my first purchase Elchuppa - I think the Type A's are only moderately efficient, like maybe 86 dB, but I think they are an 8 ohm load which your Sony would have no trouble with. This is my recollection, which is highly fallible - I suggest you contact the seller.An... | |
Rogue Tempest or Jolida JD1000A Integrateds? Congrats on your choice, Buckingham, and glad to hear the synergy is there! That's really what makes or breaks a system. Yes the KT88's have great bass, so that may well be the better choice for your system. Best wishes to you! | |
getting a little obsessed with my first purchase I browsed the full-range speakers for sale here, and found you an ABSOLUTELY KILLER DEAL on a superb pair of older speakers. This is the Snell Type A. This was one of the finest speakers of its day (which was, admittedly, 20 years or so ago). The ... | |
Nuetrality be Damned... Well if it's warmth you want, have you considered a pair of refurbished Quad 57's? You might go so far as to bob the feet so they sit down closer to the floor, which warms them up even more. Mmmmmmm.Maggies are beloved by many for their musical, e... | |
Rogue Tempest or Jolida JD1000A Integrateds? One of the very best sounds I heard at CES 2001, and by far the best in its price range, was the JoLida 1000A driving a pair of Cliffhanger Bulldogs. This was the only combination that actually brought tears to my eyes at the show. I was already a... | |
Speaker Help for 2000 to 3000 Audiobeer -It sounds to me like the kind of voicing you are looking for, particularly in the bass, might be best rendered by a transmission line speaker. Two lines come to mind - Meadowlark and Buggtussel. The Buggtussels are the more lively while... | |
Speakers with bass response? I'm not a real big fan of subwoofers, even though they are a relatively inexpensive way to add very deep bass. And I sell what I think is one of the more musical subs out there, especially in its price range - the Hsu's. But I think the best solut... | |
Best match electrostats for Jadis JA-30 My first reaction would be to recommend a pair of Original Quads, perhaps rebuilt by the Electrostatic Doctor with lighter panels and separate power supplies for the bass and treble sections. Given the "small footprint" criterion, though, hybrids ... | |
Audio Artistry Beethoven - anybody has heard? A little over a month ago I had the immense pleasure of sitting in Siegfried Linkwitz's living room listening to his Beethovens. I have never heard such a combination of dynamic impact and long-term relaxing sound. There may be other speakers that... | |
Help with new speakers Greetings Lmathias,I tip my virtual hat to you for not putting your love of music on hold because of your hearing loss. My step-father is a hard-core opera fan who spent twentysomething years flying helicopters for the Marine Corps, so his hearing... | |
Need help choosing a monitor Well it stretches the budget a bit, but the Cliffhanger Bulldogs do some things that I haven't heard anything else their size do.The Bulldogs are a 3-way where most of their competition is 2-way. So the woofer is better optimized for low bass. The... | |
Best "Used" Audiophile speakers for 1000-1500 Well...Sounds to me like your priorities include midrange at least as good as the B&W's, lively dynamics, and excellent soundstaging. I just cruised over to the Full Range page, and saw for sale there a couple of pairs of Meadowlark Shearwater... | |
Speakers for Classical Music I really like searchant's recommendation, the Audio Artistry Dvorak. That's an excellent speaker. I sell a roughly comparable system, the Gradient Revolution.I have a customer who plays violin with a symphony. He owned highly modified original Qua... | |
I need to be wowed Greetings, ah, "Dudette",I recognize you from your room photos, if nothing else. The Shahinians and Vandersteens and Spendors mentioned make sense to me from a voicing standpoint; but the Thiels and Martin Logans and Dunlavy's would not, in my opi... | |
Best 1,000 complete system for girlfriend ideas Source: Pioneer DVD player, ballpark $175Amplification: JoLida 301A tube/mosfet hybrid, $350 Speakers: Maggie MMG's, $550Cabling: Donate some of your old stuffOkay this is a bit over your budget, but not much. The key component is the little Maggi... |