
Responses from audiokinesis

Speaker vs. Room Size
Greetings Bin,You bring up a classic dilemma - namely, how to get natural sound in a small room at an affordable price. I take it you're willing to position the speakers as needed to get good sound. One of the major hurdles in a small room is gett... 
Tweeter for Fried C3/L?
I am under the impression that at least some Frieds used Hiquphon tweeters, and perhaps that's what's in the C3/L. You might try By the way, congrats on being a Fried owner. 
"Fast sounding tube amp" with plenty of power? any?
In my post above, that should have been "Spectral" instead of "Spectron". 
"Fast sounding tube amp" with plenty of power? any?
Among the fastest amps in the world are Atma-Sphere's line of OTL tube amps, which includes the 220-watt MA2 MK2 monoblocks. Atma-Sphere amps boast a slew rate of 600 volts per microsecond! Very few amplifiers even list their slew rate any more, b... 
Why aren't these on the "recommended list?"
Streetdaddy -If you want to do something really fun in January, ask your local dealer to get you a pass to the CES in Las Vegas, January 8-11. Then go hear for yourself all this cool high-end stuff. Last year was my first year, and my first love i... 
Avalon Eidolon for nearfield listening?
A speaker that works well close to side walls, provided you can give it breathing room behind, is the Sound Lab Millennium-2, a full-range electrostatic. The larger Millennium-1 won't give you quite as wide a soundstage in your room, since its gre... 
Recommend Higher Power SET Amp
SET's that actually do over 30 watts are quite rare and I don't know of any that are less expensive than the Cary. The reason is, very few tubes can deliver over 30 watts.You might consider an output transformerless tube amp. OTL's do some things ... 
Rogers Soundlab Nevada, any experience ?
That should have been "ignorance", not "ingnorance"! Ha! Momma always said I shoulda stayt in skewl. 
Rogers Soundlab Nevada, any experience ?
Pardon my ingnorance, but what is a "Rogers Soundlab Nevada"? I can't figure out what speakers you are asking about. 
Speakers for my Golden tube SE 300B II SE 9w Please help
Three lines you might consider are Soliloquy, Coincident, and Reference 3A. These lines have models that should work well with amps like your little 300B SET, and you can find them for sale used right here at Audiogon. 
The right amp for Martin Logan Ascents
Of the amps you list, I'd go with the Plinius. I own and sell electrostats, and in my experience the Aragon is a rather steely-sounding amp when mated with electrostats - I really don't think that would be a good choice. You want something a touch... 
Speaker Advice -- Which to Buy
Okay Trip - thanks for taking the time to give us your priories, which are: Timbre, dynamic contrast, good soundstaging over a wide area, natural-sounding deep bass, unobtrusive size and visual appeal, sounds great at medium volumes, forgiving of ... 
Speaker Advice -- Which to Buy
Well this may not be what you're looking for, but in the long run might get you closer than me just telling you what I like. First off, you will have to make compromises. What we need to know is which virtues cannot be compromised, and which ones ... 
New Maggie 3.6 OR 10 yr old Sound lab A-1 s
Congrats, Bob! I think you're gonna like your new babies!I have a friend with fifteen year old Sound Labs (I've never actually heard his pair). He has never had a thing done to them - no upgrades, nothing. He's a much more mature human being than ... 
What is your opinion regarding electrostatics?
Interesting thoughts, Frap. In a rectangular room I generally prefer to place the speakers along a short wall, and to sit well back away from them. To me, this sounds more like what I hear in a concert hall.I think there's a reason for this - you ...