Responses from audiokinesis
Why is good, deep bass so difficult? - Myths and their Busters Soundrealaudio wrote: "[Woofers] must use very stiff suspensions to bring them back to neutral position after each excursion."The suspension system is not what brings the woofer's cone back to the neutral position. IT IS THE AMP!! As long as th... | |
Why is good, deep bass so difficult? - Myths and their Busters gkr7007 wrote: "...I gravitate toward planars and other very fast response speakers."Planars are subjectively "fast" because they have smoother in-room response than monopoles (even though the actual low-frequency transient response of their diaph... | |
Why is good, deep bass so difficult? - Myths and their Busters Skanda wrote: "Do sealed speakers integrate better into these rooms?"It’s ALWAYS a matter of speaker + room, and if the room is contributing a lot of boundary reinforcement, sealed boxes generally result in better synergy. If not, then vented boxe... | |
Why is good, deep bass so difficult? - Myths and their Busters "This is one reason I have a *pair* of Golden Ear Triton Reference. Each one on its own eliminates the need for a sub, let alone the two of them combined." - gdhalYup, when it comes to using multiple bass sources in the pursuit of in-room smoothne... | |
acoustical stuffing / sound dampening subwoofer cabinet REL BRITANNIA B1 subwoofer "Stuffing will raise the effective volume..."Well, imo, yes and no. Stuffing will increase system damping, but the measurements I've seen, and the professional-level modeling programs I use, indicate that its effect on low frequency extension is ... | |
Why is good, deep bass so difficult? - Myths and their Busters geoffkait wrote: "I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it appears a big advantage of headphones is you can get very good bass performance without all the angst, effort and cost oft required to obtain very good bass performance for speak... | |
Why is good, deep bass so difficult? - Myths and their Busters Designing and building a woofer system that is theoretically flat to a very low frequency is not that difficult, but it is of academic interest only once that woofer system is placed in a room: At low frequencies, the room’s effects are totally do... | |
Is damping material necessary for a speaker having such a small cabinet volume? In my experience, damping is a two-edged sword. Too much can reduce bass impact and subjectively suck the life out of the sound in the midrange (and no, I don't have a technical explanation as to why the latter happens). Imo you want to use no m... | |
Recommended Speaker List for Atma-Sphere OTL Amplifiers. Thank you very much, Clio09. I don’t mind my Jazz Modules being replaced by Quad 57s + swarm! Very nice combination. Dragon, thank you for having considered my speakers. Cosmetically they certainly are not exotic, nor do they use any particularly ... | |
Recommended Speaker List for Atma-Sphere OTL Amplifiers. I've been designing speakers with Ralph's smaller amps (S-30 and M-60) very much in mind for years, but my speakers tend to be bigger than average (though usually not "T-1.5 big"). I do horn speakers that hopefully don't sound like horns, well at... | |
Sealed subwoofer for ESL-63 Jzzmusician wrote: "I’ve got a pair of Quad 2805’s. I love pretty much everything about them but I would like a bit more bottom end... What would you recommend for a subwoofer(s) in the 2-3k range?"I’ve owned three pairs of Quads and many pairs of... | |
I'm selling speakers for the first time and concerned about fraud Maybe the buyer knows someone who he could use as a reference? One of my relatives was a first-time seller here a few months ago, the buyer was a bit nervous, so the seller used me as a reference and after the buyer and I spoke he was no longer n... | |
Sealed subwoofer for ESL-63 Let me offer some clarification to my earlier post.My statement that a dipole has smoother in-room bass is based on a paper written by James M. Kates and published in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society in 2002. It takes the ear a long ti... | |
Sealed subwoofer for ESL-63 Dipoles have smoother in-room bass than monopoles. In general, it takes two monopole sources (intelligently positioned) to approximate the in-room bass smoothness of one dipole source. And it would take four monopole sources to approximate the in-... | |
Time for Two Ways ! Imo speaker design is always system design, wherein the room and even the amplifier are parts of the system.I've done two-way speakers that have good in-room response from the mid-20's up to 18 kHz or so, but these were not polite little mini-moni... |