
Responses from audiokinesis

Bass distortion before tweeter distortion with a monitor at high volume?
The specific type of distortion likely to occur in a small but high-quality two-way loudspeaker driven hard is due to the woofer being driven beyond its linear excursion limits.  Over-excursion results in what's commonly called "fartout" in the pr... 
Small room electrostat/ planar speaker?
The 5 foot from the wall recommendation you see for dipoles and bipoles (like the little Audience speakers) is because reflections arriving within 10 milliseconds of the first-arrival sound tend to be detrimental, and sound travels slightly over o... 
Speaker recommendation for married couple
Given that you are in Europe, I suggest Gradient and Amphion.  Both are imo extremely intelligently designed as far as room interaction... in particular, both do an unusually good job with the off-axis response.  The vertical off-axis response mat... 
Speaker recommendation for married couple
Celo, good for you, for fully including your wife in the process!  My suggestion is, don't be in a hurry - ENJOY the quest together!  I can't begin to predict what speakers lie within the intersection of what you like and what she likes.  If the v... 
Speaker suggestions for an unusual room
Imo the Cornscalas are in the right ballpark for this type of room.Ime for difficult or unusual rooms, you want speakers where the radiation pattern is not too wide - say 90 degrees over most of the spectrum - and where the off-axis response track... 
Let's talk Tweeters!
Erik, I hope you don’t mind some feedback.While I’ve participated here a bit, I felt pressured to choose my topics and my wording carefully. My impression is that the majority of what I could theoretically contribute on the subject of tweeters and... 
Let's talk Tweeters!
Eric, I understand your desire to focus on tweeters and not speaker brands, but realistically how is prof supposed to talk about omnidirectional tweeters and not mention MBL? Frankly I cannot think of any omnidirectional or quasi-omnidirectional t... 
Others experience re: subs and Magmepan 20
Thank you for your kind words, imdoc! I enjoyed talking with you very much. One thing I forgot to mention - you’ll probably have to EQ in a fair amount of low-end boost in your room. I suspect that the big opening behind the listening area is acti... 
Others experience re: subs and Magmepan 20
Thank you very much, Tim! Glad the Debra is working well for you! The only question mark in my mind regarding imdoc’s situation is, whether his room has something going on (large area and/or open floorplan perhaps?) that results in minimal boundar... 
Others experience re: subs and Magmepan 20
I designed the Swarm subwoofer system mentioned above, and worked with Jim Romeyn on his conceptually-similar Distributed Bass Array system.The Swarm was originally designed with dipole speakers in mind, specifically Maggies and Quads. Briefly, di... 
Let's talk Tweeters!
Getting back to tweeters, I don't have a lot of experience with a lot of different current-generation domes and ribbon(-ish) drivers, but I've tried a fair number of different compression drivers and many different diaphragm types.  My preferences... 
Let's talk Tweeters!
Thank you for that information and for digging up those examples, Erik! Interesting that the less expensive speaker beats the more expensive one not only in deviation from linearity, but also in radiation pattern smoothness - look at the 45-60-75 ... 
Let's talk Tweeters!
My understanding is that there are two general areas of thermal compression effects. The one that has been studied and documented the best is what we might call long-term compression, which arises from both voice coil heating and magnet heating, t... 
Let's talk Tweeters!
Erik wrote: Let's focus on learning about choices speaker designers make and what that may mean to the end user. Duke replies: I can't speak for any other designers, but for me speaker design starts with figuring out what the priorities are, a... 
speaker match Primaluna Premium
Bob_reynolds wrote:"If you have the power amp as reviewed in Stereophile ... I would pay particular attention to its output impedance."Excellent advice, and excellent subsequent explanation of that advice.From time to time we come across someone d...