
Responses from audiokinesis

Why not horns?
Weseixas wrote: "Duke are you saying those that dislike horns cannot pick them out in a blind test?"I'm saying that a high quality, low-coloration horn system doesn't sound like a horn system. Duke 
Why not horns?
Prdprez, that guy who hated horns was talking about mine at Lone Star 2010. The speakers behind the curtain in the first example were GedLee Summas.Until you've heard speakers designed or inspired by Earl Geddes, you haven't heard all there is to ... 
Why not horns?
Several years ago I conducted a controlled blind listening test, administered under the guidance of a leading researcher in the field of psychoacoustics. In the questionaire that the listeners filled out, one very experienced listener wrote that h... 
listening rooms
I think your large room presents challenges but if you meet them, it should work very well.Among the challenges are these:1) Assuming your listening distances will be greater than in a normal room, the reverberant field will be stronger relative t... 
Soundlab owners - room placement question
The most critical setup dimension, in my opinion, is the distance between the back of the panel and the wall behind the speaker. In general, the more the better; you are adding delay to the arrival of the backwave energy, and the more the better. ... 
Why not horns?
Macrojack I took at look at the spec sheet for the woofer in your speakers, and it's quite impressive. The response curve looks unusually good, and the parameters predict excellent bass power and extension in a suitable large cabinet (which is not... 
Why not horns?
Herman wrote: "Macro, you should look into getting a true horn for that compression driver. What you have looks more like a megaphone than a horn. I don't doubt you are pleased with the sound from it but I wonder what it would sound like with what... 
Why not horns?
Hi Weseixas,"The published data including the response curve on both drivers will require eq-ing IMO for that speaker to be listenable..."Quite right you are! Aggressive equalization is virtually always required with such systems, and it's the cro... 
Why not horns?
Weseixas, down at 400 Hz, a 15" woofer has a radiation pattern that's approximately 150 degrees wide. As far as coloration goes, the larger the cone the more difficult it is to get it to behave well. But as long as the behavior isn't too bad, it's... 
Why not horns?
Thanks, Macrojack.In times past I misjudged your honest enthusiasm to have a commercial motivation, and gave you grief about it. I'm sorry about that. Nowadays I just enjoy your enthusiasm, especially when we agree!Duke 
Why not horns?
Weseixas wrote: "There is no such thing as a fast 15 inch woofer operating @ 400 Hz IMO ! Consider how directional the speaker will be @ 400 Hz and it's large mass ( relative ) with it's accompanying cone coloration ..."Four hundred hertz is proba... 
Using balance to compensate for speaker distance
The ears localize sound sources by two mechanisms: Arrival time and intensity. If the arrival times of the two speakers are not simultaneous, good soundstaging can be maintained by correspondingly increasing the intensity (loudness) of the farther... 
Why not horns?
Johnk, you're more than welcome to disagree with me. If we always agreed, one of us would be redundant!In my experience (which is of course limited), it simply isn't feasible to use a minimalist high-pass filter topology with a constant-directivit... 
Why not horns?
Unsound, thank you for YOUR thoughtful response. I'll try to answer some of your questions:"Wouldn't such a controlled radiation pattern reduce the size of the sweet spot and reduce the sound-stage, especially for multiple listeners?"On the contra... 
Why not horns?
Unsound wrote:"Macrojack, why would 'Horns have a greater potential than any other approach.'"?Well I'm not Macrojack, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night...Okay, my design experience is limited to systems that use a direct radiator woofer ...