Responses from audiokinesis
Why not horns? Weseixas asked how Bills Woods' horns would compare with Avantgarde type horns. For one thing, Bill's horns are constant-directivity devices, so the off-axis energy will have nearly the same spectral balance as the on-axis energy. According to Flo... | |
Why not horns? Weseixas: "Which maggies are we discussing?"Duke: I probably should have picked one model and stuck to it, which I didn't do. Weseixas: "A speaker shoot out would be interesting!"Duke: If a "shoot-out" could be arranged that was satisfactory to bo... | |
Why not horns? Weseixas, the reason few dipoles maintain their figure-8 up into the mid and treble region has to do with beaming and/or driver interference. For example, the horizontal pattern of Maggies changes due to horizontal comb filtering in the crossover ... | |
Why not horns? Weseixas wrote: "I'm sure you are not comparing your bi-polar speaker polar plot to that of a Di-pole with it's figure 8 pattern ?.... I highly doubt the 2 will sound the same, the sonic characteristics are so completely different..."Duke replies:... | |
Why not horns? Ralph wrote: "If you cannot get the [dipole] speaker far enough from the rear wall, the first comment [that dipoles create the required space and time of a recording more accurately than monopoles] is moot. Duke has built systems that are rear-fir... | |
Room acoustics how ? My image is not centered I presume you've done this, but if you haven't, measure to make sure the speakers are both the exact same distance from the center of the sweet spot.If both side walls are quite reflective, then symmetry becomes more important. A strong early side... | |
Is a good soundstage possible with 2 speakers only The acoustic and psychoacoustic principles behind Ambiophonics are perfectly valid. Back in college I did some experimenting along similar lines, and even invented a passive inter-aural crosstalk cancellation system, but it was wildly impractical ... | |
Zu Soul Superfly Just for the record, I'd like to point out that the amplifier only "sees" the impedance curve (magnitude, frequency, and phase) that a speaker system presents; it doesn't "see" the individual drivers or crossover parts separately. Therefore, it is... | |
Do Acoustic Zen Adagios still live up to the Hype You can check the polarity of the woofers with a battery. Establish a connection between the + battery terminal and the + input on the speaker, and likewise between the - battery terminal and - input. Watch the woofer cones. They should snap forwa... | |
Audiophile speakers that rock well As I see it, there's a tradeoff relationship between "monitor-sized" and "does Rock well". In order to have good bass, a small speaker has to trade off efficiency. That's not a problem; the problem comes when "rock the house" levels are demanded o... | |
Why not horns? JohnK, I think it's great that an offset bipolar type might find its way into your lineup! I consider it an honor that you see enough potential to give it a shot. Let me know what Joe thinks if you get a chance. There's at least one other manufact... | |
Why not horns? Weseixas asks: "What models are you displaying [at RMAF]?"Duke replies: My current plan is to show a bipolar model called the Cloud Chaser. It's fairly new - not up on my website yet - but is described in my Audio Circle forum. | |
Why not horns? Before I completely lose my train of thought (again), let me do a quick tie-back-in: The conical horns Bill Woods (designer of Macrojacks's speakers) uses are arguably what might be called "waveguides". And when Bill Woods came by my room at RMAF ... | |
Why not horns? I use a Geddes-style waveguide on most of my designs, but it's not the same as the ones he uses. Nor am I using his patented refractive waveguide plug. In my more recent/less expensive models, I'm using what might be called a "waveguide-style horn... | |
Why not horns? Pdprez, good call - I hadn't made a mental distinction between "horn system top-to-bottom" and "horn system over part of the spectrum". And your understanding of my designs is correct; you also get extra points for coming up with the right name fo... |