Responses from audioman58
Is Mark Levinson still considered up there with the best of the best? it has never been considered even close to the best , very good within the under $15k group , in Audio $100 k for a amplifier is very. Possible and exceptional . unless you have a $$Million + to spend the best is out of reach for most of us . | |
Was my friend given misinformation. The only thing I would buy at Best Buy’s Maybe is a tv ,and a sound bar , they know 💩 crap about what a Audiophile is !! | |
Ethernet - Analog/Digital Signal Clean Up Try buying quality usb cables  and Ethernet , at leasta$200 ontherouterend like a wire world starlight, the most critical is at the end point final touch audio Callisto a very natural  sounding usb cable ,about $850 A  bargain . A AQ Diamond ... | |
Ethernet - Analog/Digital Signal Clean Up These cheap fiber optic modules create a bunch of noise on their end , try’s UptoneAudio etherregen at both end with a fiber optic much cleaner blacker back ground fiber optic electrically don’t bring noise But if the signal is jittered full of no... | |
Thiel 2.3 The key. Hear is in the Xover parts ,I have worked building them and these 2.3, and 3.6 the Xover parts , need much better quality , and a warmer sounding capacitor plain and simple ,the cheap 50 cent cement resistors don’t help at all , and cra... | |
What type of wire for dedicated 20A AC lines? It’s a known fact that bigger copper wire less resistance easier load .i have awg 10: in my dedicated  line ,and a 4wire with a common ground ,and key a insulated isolated ground ,with its own buzz bar grid inside the panel and contacts are from ... | |
Quest for an external Dac has resulted in me way down the rabbit hole Very easy just look at all the rave reviews the Denafrips Aries-2 under $1k be sure to buy a decent Ethernet cable and USB the Wireworld Starlight 8 is a great Ethernet and usb cable . | |
My last Integrated Amp: $5-10,000? Without question theu.s.a made Coda imo best under $10 k pit has 120 amps on hand the biggest potted transformer in class ,3,000 Va super quiet all others open core ,and 3 power choices ,and doubles down into 2 ohms lowest power is 18  first w... | |
Looking for wider soundstage What many people don’t do ,but I am currently is having the speakers at say 2 ft from each wall and have the drivers going like a X pattern this gives a bigger spread and just slowly turn in towards center a few inches at a time as needed.  In m... | |
Integrated Amp Suggestions Depending on your budget  the best balanced and  built under $20 ktheGryphon Diablo $17 k,   For$6500. Made in USA Coda CSIB integrated  it has by far most current capabilities a huge 3000 vs potted transformer very natural sounding and a 10 ye... | |
Advice from Audiogon family - best speaker $3k-$4k Sonus Faber makes a great $3 k speaker , monitor audio Also myself just bought a used $5 6 yr old Dynaudio 3.4 ,,excellent design,build quality, and drivers , I spent $1500 on upper end Xover parts and wiring now the speaker is better then ma... | |
Ohm Acoustic Corp., Brooklyn NY I hav3 helped others in repairing, rebuilding Xovers inohm Walsh speakers the quality is pathetic , a Electrolytc capacitor in a Xover does not belong in another but a powersupply  ,and 50 cents resistors , even drivers ,China specials klipsch... | |
Concerning high end audio names in new cars My wife has a B&W system in her New Volvo and it sounds great , my Brother has a Burmeister in his S6 Audi  ,it is very good , yes these are over $3-4k each but to them well worth it since they drive over 1000 miles a month. | |
Is There A Big Difference Between Subwoofers From Different Manufacturers Hello Ryder I have had many subs , a perfect example was ihad the Svs SB 3000 i bought the SB 4000. It was just more powerful and ease in the Baer more articulate , notnight and day , but enough to sell the sb 3000 i had my brothers Svs ultra 16... | |
Denafrips Ares II - Why did you sell? I sold mine to buy a Pontus, then a Terminator 2Â they get progressively better as you move up the line ,the pontus just better in every area , The T-2 in a whole different league . |