Responses from audioman58
Nucleus, is there a better alternative? A nucliusis Thst that great too begins with , little green computer is much better with a LPS, and going fiber optic can help ,the key don’t buy cheap modules but better brands , uptone audio makes their ether regen thsts takes fiber optic just ma... | |
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid I have used different batteries, my electrician-Audiophile friend set me up using a 30 amp outlet using gold copper outlets , a special Siemens pure silver breaker from Germany ,awg10 Copper wire, and a 4 wire and common ground ,the other insu... | |
OMG. What now? A Quality active preamp is always better then a direct source in dynamics and soundstage depth.i owned a Audio-store for years as well as Audiophile for 40+ years. | |
What I really hate about some music This is true , there are exceptions such as classics such as Light my fire, who’s name with Fire used many times , is poetic and great singing ability , there are many great bands that have repetitive songs , I guess much depends on the qualit... | |
DSP vs. active analog crossover vs. passive analog crossover. What is your take? Having built many Xovers ,passive such as a passive preamp is not active and you loose a lot of dynamics , electronic Xovers will change the Xover points and enhance certain aspects of the frequency band but imo,flatten the sound no life a true ... | |
Are Expensive Balanced Interconnects Necessary? Yes all your components from dac to preamp,to Poweramp needs to be balanced Differentially from Input to output ,then it truly lowered noise floor !! | |
Wendell Diller: "You don't wanna put a subwoofer with a Magneplanar; it doesn't work." IHave used Svs SB 4000 subs with maggi 3.6 modded and they sounded incredible after using a USB Mike and REW program once the room was tuned speed was not an issue ,these sealed subs were fast tight and articulate low Bass but took 2 days to t... | |
What Is Most Important? To start your sourse is technically the most critical for your quality and musicality is won or lost here ,a good quality dac or turntable is essential in this area you buy cheap no matter how good the rest of your system it will destroy the ... | |
How long should speaker cables be? Having owned a Audio store I have tried every setup out there the most important part is quality , and dimmer awg is important currently my Wireworld Eclipse is a 9awg , but awg12 is fine too. | |
Electrical Power Outlet advice My electrician is a Audiophile ,I followed his lead. i hav3 Copper gold outlets , awg 10 copper wiring in a 30 amp breaker , and the 4 wire dual ground 1 is common the other a insulated is located ground on its own strip in the breaker box ,... | |
The greatest tweak ever? These units are not that quiet, I have a whole home unit with ionizer and the air is fresher ,but to be honest room panels are night and day better . There is a slight improvement and m7n3 is dead quiet cleaning the whole house.,these smaller un... | |
Can you vote on this song, 1 being brilliant, 5 being crap I would give it a maybe a 3 ,a bit repetitive , but very cohesive. if comparing to say a classic like Phantom of the Opera, or chariots of fire. | |
McIntosh Labs delivery issues Why even buy McIntosh ? ther meters and looks by far the best thing about them . whe the owners btw were true Audiophile sold out to a foreign company they started taking shortcuts in build quality internally .i know 1st hand for I sold MC for ... | |
Shouldn't This Sound Boomy? I use REW and take responses from 4 different points in a 5 ft spread , sometimes just moving the-speakers a few inches can make for better imaging ,and first off the speakers need to be exactly the same distance from the wall behind them and t... | |
Has this happened to you? How can it be stopped? WHY , vintage gear doesn’t have the parts quality in technology to sound as good as good gear today , even more so with Loudspeakers ,there are very few exceptions. ican see maybe a McIntosh or Marantz tube tuner, that would be it. IHave sold fo... |