

Responses from audioman58

Paying with a cashiers check? Need advice!
PayPal or stripe , otherwise No  buyers protection. 
Luxman L-590AXII vs Pass Labs INT-60
One more thing I  forgot to mention ,just match parts quality and size coda a 3,000 va potted transformer and 80 k in capacitance just the amp sectionand produce  120 amps if needed, dedicated pure class A mosfet preamp section , 10 year warranty ... 
Luxman L-590AXII vs Pass Labs INT-60
In truth the Coda ScIB integrated amp is probably the best integrated made in USA  most younger Audiophiles donot even know of ,but is at least as good if not betterThen the pass labs int60 as well as the Luxman 590 ax-2 and is $3500 less. 
Disappointment with Pass Labs - I'm looking for something else
Buy the Coda 07x preamp , for $6500 retail will meet or beat any preamp tube or SS at 2x+ the price ,that’s on my radar for the fall.their #8 power amp together with preamp can be had for around $10k delivered which will give you fantastic musical... 
CODA vs Hegel
The Coda is in another league , I  owned the 120 Hegeland was going to buy the 390;,integrated , the Cosa CSIC integrated is on another level you will see their latest effort in a excellent review in March 21from stereo times ,which gave it a best... 
I nominate this company as building best speakers!
The MBL 101 Omni directional speakers ,when setup properly are Fantastic and get my top 3 votes, their Ultimate even more sowilsons new flagship a very reasonable $250k+  from all accounts it is in the Great status I would love to hear it. Maybe a... 
What capacitor would you use to upgrade Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary?
There are a lot of options ,how about resistors to start old mills before 2011 , sonic crafts great caps still had silver end caps copper leads , a bit better still Path Audio best resistors  out there.Many variables to consider.I hav3 been moddin... 
Recommendations for modern integrated with tone & balance controls other than Mcintosh
Marantz 30 integrated, Yamaha 1200, 2200,3200Luxman,  Accuphase. 
I nominate this company as building best speakers!
Bose 901 👍🧟‍♂️ 
590axii in the house
As of  mid 2019 I. Believe the latest FETs much lower THD and a couple other things ,I bought the best poly cap out there for the preamp coupling section from VH audio their new Odam  caps , which make anything with them better still.  , theamp ra... 
590axii in the house
The Luxman 590 ax2 is very good and nice looking with the meters ,for overall purity ,accuracy of the musical signal I found the latest Coda integrated a fantastic Best Buy at $6500 retail and. Will easily meet or beat any integrated in the $10k a... 
The best cost no object tube DAC
When or two things to consider ,matching a very good power cord to the dac makes a world of difference , as well as the Digital cable . Lampi recommends and I own the Final touch audio USB cable it is a very detailed natural cable all built one at... 
The best cost no object tube DAC
Hats off to The Pioneering of Jerry Ozmet- I owned his tube R2R dacs 20 years ago -RIP !!today Lampi   Pacific around $26k is considered a state of the art Vacuum tube dac . 
Is Luxman a poor man's D'Agostino ?
The Luxman has its own house sound.I heard the 505 mk2,then. The 509 ,the 509 in class AB is more refined and fleshed out then the 505very musical a bit warm, but theCoda especially the new design late 2019 has upgrades with latest FETs, And new t... 
Is Luxman a poor man's D'Agostino ?
It is shocking just how much people over look Coda . If you have been in audio for awhile Threshold comes to mind these guys go back to the 80s with      Nelson Pass . Great sounding equipment their integrated $6500 retail,I recently purchased Wit...