

Responses from audioman58

Say a fella wants to build an SET monoblock based on the 300B..
Before considering building a SET amp with no expertise your much better off seeking an expert.https://www.google.com/search?q=radu+tarta+amplifier&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS788US789&oq=radu+tarta+... 
Say a fella wants to build an SET monoblock based on the 300B..
In truth  you are much better to let an expert build it .Radu Tarta has been building SET amps. And DHT preamps for many years ,knows many secrets that only an expert  with tubes would know. And his prices are not that much more then you can build... 
Two defective pieces in a row - unreasonable to demand refund?
McIntosh fort sure is not the same ,No longer owned by audiophiles for years now.I sold Mc and parts quality is average at best , nice meters , but Waay over priced . Owned by a Korean company with just $$ profits in mind IMO. 
Two defective pieces in a row - unreasonable to demand refund?
Much depends if you paid by debit card, or credit Cardas where the card is from I tried to get a refund on a defective product ,after it was sent backand my bank wouldnot back me, horrible little crappy bank webster5 cent savings.  If bought buy c... 
What do you have on order RIGHT NOW.
Waiting on delivery of the latest Excellent, Coda CSIB integrated amplifier. 
Ready, set, comment! Speaker cables don’t make a difference?
Anyone who thinks that different brand ,quality , and type don’t make a difference ,Quit spending monies on Audio .Invest in a hearing aid !!just use the power cords that come in with the electronics and use the $5 rca cables thst come with your C... 
Is the appeal to euphonic distortion learned?
By adding a simple vacuum tube you can flavor even harmonic distortions per brand of tubes ,in a good way .even SS gear can voice their gear very close to Tubes in some respects Jfets, Mosfets, matched Bipolar transistors ,all have harmonics simil... 
Borrowing equipment from dealers
Some like dedicated audio in AZ will let you audition but if you send back it may cost you 15-20% on say $5k. Plus shipping that’s a big piece of change. I don’t know of Any that let you audition with no deduction of Monies , except Mojo Audio for... 
Wilson sophia typically found with solid state
I have found on many instances having tubes somewhere in the system  truly adds to the realism , normally a good SS amp with a tube preamp ,or dac, turntable helps ,that being said there are always exceptions to the rule ,your cables, as well as s... 
How loud are you typically listening?
For easy listening night 70-75 db R&R 95-100 peaks  for short periods, rock on average 85-90 db the better the room is treated less reflections ,the better the focus also ,and better bass balanced in a room takes some work because of nulls. I ... 
Integrated amp -- Pass Labs vs Luxman vs McIntosh
The coda CSib integrated is a #8 amplifier and a scaled down #7 class A preamp for $6500. I have compared with several marks in the $8-$10 range like the top Luxman, 600 series moon, McIntosh , and not having the big commercial name and more indus... 
One Cord To Rule Them All
The newer Pangea  AC9 sig,mk2  uses Cardas #1 grade -0 Crystal Copper and is a beefy awg7, for preamp,dac the sig,mk2 awg14 
Burned Out
Buy a nice solid state amp , then focus your refinements of tubes On that . It gives a great combination.used by many Audiophiles. 
If the PS Audio Stellar 700M is as great as all the reviewers say....
That’s because it is not as good as described, being an ex dealer  paid reviews have a lot of politics involved. At audio shows I listened to horror stories from truly excellent products from small companiesmagazines Like TAS ,and stereophile in t... 
Looking for a DAC under 2k
The absolute best deal for your $$ the Denafrips Pontus 2 dac just do a search it is a very good R2R dac with separate analog digital power supplies built in on 2 levels ,just do a search ,then on You tube.