

Responses from audioman58

Audiophile fuses - Synergistic Black fuses vs the còmpetition
Here is a simple explanation , just look up resistance index in metals .Silver vs the buzz fuse steel zinc.The top fuses have ceramic instead of glass far lower micro vibration End caps are solid silver .Better then  7x less resistance then Steel.... 
Music Streamer Quality
Hello I have had excellent  performance with thd Aurender 100H-2T HD With class leading super fast 120GIG memory buffer ,linear PSCustom library interface , Tidal and much more with Gigabyte WiFi For under $2300 and built very well 10 lbs ,and num... 
Why does the aurender N100h sound so bright and edgy
I can assure uou if you put all hirez files, or Flac,Wav files usjng the internal 2Terabyte hard drive this would not be the issue.  Running a  iMac you are looking Detail server based knly is the way to go.  What are uou guys running gof dacs ? A... 
Surge protection for amps?
I too use the brick wall ,which  works very well And for $270 ask for audio version.In Stereophile rated class -B   in recommended component's Against a $1500 unit it was a tie. That is what I call a bargain. 
PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo
One Amplifier not there that is cheaper but as good or better The is Merrill  Audio Thor.  Very  good sound  and under priced  
Why does the aurender N100h sound so bright and edgy
I have not found any of the above to be true. If this were the case it would not have won at least 5 individual awards.I have the 2 Terabyte hard drive  and  have my whole library on the internal drive.I wanted to  mention  I have a good  Cardas p... 
Review: Merrill Audio Taranis Amplifier
On Merrill website it says the TARANIS,USE THE 500 MODULES.ONLY THE Monoblocks use the  Flagship 1,200 modules. 
What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
I have found Silnote cables to Clearly be a cut above  even well respected Classic brands I first tried their Speaker cables .music just sounds more reAL.Their Poseidon2 interconnects  are Fantastic, I had Acoustic zenwave Silver refThe Silnote ru... 
Best Tubed Preamp For A Warm, Rich Sound, Yet Still Detailed and Agile
As far as detail like a SET amplifier a Direct Heated Triode Preamplifier Has only 1 stage ,most preamplifiers gave 2-3:stages.My preamp,,and latest being built use for one parts quality night and day better then 90% of Any commercial units which ... 
INTERNAL CABLING- Heres some choices, give me your two cents on these cables..... Please _
Having built and observing many others Supra of Sweden their awg15 Is a excellent choice , 5-9s Copper then Tinned over each strand to eliminate Future oxidation. In Europe used a lot . I gave been using it for 5 years and is very Good and only $1... 
Best Tubed Preamp For A Warm, Rich Sound, Yet Still Detailed and Agile
If you have not had a Direct Heated Triode preamplifier,, it is thr purest sound you Will find . After having  every type. This is the most direct type without question ,Single ended. I am using a custom Lundahl based 4P1L Vacuum tube Preamp.  For... 
Class D = Trash?
Look at Merrill Audio .they make Excellent amplifiers, and use Very good parts quality.I owned Mcintosh very dissapointmrnt wima caps donot belong in a $6k  amplifier I put Mundorf  supreme a Big improvement as well as resistors,wiring.Class D  ha... 
Thiel Owners
The biggest short coming of the Thiele has always been the Xover parts used .I have assisted in parts upgrade which takes the sometimes thin sounding Speaker with Excellent potential to Transformed such as One of my favoritesMundorf Silver oil cap... 
Brightest but shortest artistic bursts in the sky
As a doors fan every Album is classic and many out there would agree.Their 1sr Album and Super classic light my fire long version . The Cornerstone of greatness.   Traffic another great band with several classics.Not often mentioned The Guess Who ... 
I need a good Preamp
I have been into Audio for over 40 years and have had every type of preamp Out their. The Best I havd found similar to a SET amplifier for only ond stage purityIs a Direct Heated Triode Preamplifier.  The sonic purity is second to none .Also when ...