

Responses from audioman58

Tidal and Streaming player
In my opinion and I did a ton of research. And searched awards the             Aurender 100-HIs a great player and has several features no other player has. I bought at Galen carol audio good guy ,great service. For one memory it has a 120Gigabyte... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them?
Regarding thd Crescendo I heard on several visits stock as well as modded.That is how I was aware of the caps in there .IMO they have no business at all in a over $10k Loudspeaker. At least name brand boutique caps like a Clarity ESA At the least . 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them?
In all honesty the whole Xover only passes small voltage through a Loudspeaker Everything is converted through the amplifier before the Loudspeaker. Myself learning well over 20 years ago Electrolytic are by far the worst possible Way to conduct a... 
PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo
Open up your minds dont think top digital is a liability you would be dead wrong !!I  owned a Stereo store and had many  $$ systems. Merrell audio in NJ,U.SA  their top amps have classic class A sections As well as top digital modules think up the... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them?
These speakers are very respectable But,the Xovers are very lacking especially for Speakers including the Adagio the Xovers made in Taiwan ,I helped a friend  on the flagship and I  owned the Adagio the Audyn true Copper and Mundorf supreme caps a... 
Chord Dave or Ayre QX5 Twenty DAC???
Ps audio top dac player is very good .The Lampizator is very natural sounding,  and can get pricy depending on Vacuum tube choices. Your budget will determine .impossible to put any dac under 10k as  best way to many Sonic differences. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
I donot find this true for every cable. I owned a Stereo store,not all cables dound the same for many reasons .we too did tests where each cable had a nylon shieth Over it. Myself evrn recently tried to get away cheap with a awg 11 from parts conn... 
Schiit Yggdrasil Upgrades
Chris can and will do your mods  you send the unit.I had Radu do the  soldering on these 221pf, and 331pf caps exactly the same size in the Yggs 12 vs 8 caps on main multi board.I spoke with Chris before I bought the Amtrans Chris verified their Q... 
Schiit Yggdrasil Upgrades
I am only speaking what I know to be factual myself had the Gungnir multibit Upgraded and I got the idea from another guy locally that did thd Yggs .You can't doubt whatever you wish the facts are thd facts.  Email Chris Johnson The tech ,owner of... 
Schiit Yggdrasil Upgrades
The Yggs has at least 16 of the lesser wima caps vs the Amtrans which are a COPPER FOIL which is a night and day better cap then the Wima sprayed aluminum particles on paper . There also may be some surface mount  resistors that Chris-parts connec... 
Best standalone music server?
You should offer what price point ,unless you can afford over $10kfor under $3k the Aurender 100-H. Is about as good as you will needith the Custom excellent  conductor music app. A 120 Gibyte  memory buffer,and a internal 2 Terabyte hard drive ca... 
$500 USB cable
Many hood observations . Trust me if I could get away with a $10  Beldon USB cable i would use it Ihave personally tested several cables directly from Audiophile friends  and I would say starting at the $100 range it is a major step up in USB soni... 
Voxative Hagan
The  next one up is very good  with the 8 inch driver is much more versatile and dynamic . I heard it with a JL audio 10 subwoofer and it rounded very seamless and detailed  with no Xover  very pure you can get a pr for under $8kand being over 95... 
$500 USB cable
I have had a few currently the Audio Quest Diamond it is very good at the harmonic structure  and tonal balance of the song. I have had the Wire World Platinum 2 it had slightly better resolution  at the expense of warmth and and density of image.... 
Best divorce album?
Another Classic is by Beck-   Sea of change.   No question about it ,another is from Rock  classic band  Nazareth. hair of the Dog songs like love hurts and the last bitchin song  I actually gave to my ex when we first met and told her to listen c...