

Responses from audioman58

SET Distortion at higher volumes?
Depending on what you have many lower priced  amps have sheet metal cases that ring ,vs say a Ayon  brand which is machined aluminum . your tubes need dampers Herbies tube dampers on All tubes especially power tubes vibrate and ring , if you tap ... 
Baffled and Frustrated: Streaming/DAC Sound Issues
Try putting in another higher quality usb cable . Borrow one if possible . i willnot use wifi for digital I use from theNewer 3.1 Docsis Motorola 8702 modem - router its 4x faster then 3.0, much bigger buffer and use a LPS on it much better sound... 
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"?
In our north east audio club I have tested 90% of all dacs, and streamers out there . that’s why building ,or have a super fast  streamer, server with HQ player gives anyone the most flexibility and sonic performance possibly and HQplayer is-not ... 
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"?
I truly don’t see how they can justify a little nuk board ,a intel i3 processor for $11 k  whenfor $5k you can get the excellent Fiber optic Sonore with a intel I 9 processor 16 megs of ram ,super fast ideal for HQ player which needs at least a i... 
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"?
There is other ways to do this for example Sonore optical server, rendu and excellent LPS  Sonore verygood asis uptone but I just was part of a shootout  Linear Tube Audio makes a even better LPS in several ways in build as well as sound for a bi... 
Can a Bluesound Node's Streamer Be Bypassed and be used as an External Dac?
It’s only a $50 dac inside your better off with a AQ stick  spend $900 for the latest Denafrips Aries2 that’s better sounding  then any streamer at $3k   
Ultimate stereo nightmare
Where are you located , one of us Audiophiles maybe can help you if in our area . i am in MA. Many know me from my Duelund Loudspeaker purifiers but I have helped others with Xover upgrade recommendations as well as quality parts and voicing  aud... 
Wilson to Tekton to ????
Not in a Million Years ,from the cabinet ,which the Tekton just a ringing box , the Xover uses inferior parts ,as well as drivers vs Wilson  sonicly start with micro,macro detail the Tekton is miles behind .i have rebuilt both Xovers ,the Wilson... 
Subwoofer boom is too much for me...
Much has to do with the quality of your sub , I went from the $500 Svs pro  to the 1000sb $1000, to the $svs 4000 sb $1800 and the 1000 had much more control and articulation , then to the 4000 SB-Sealed box. It took it to another level altoget... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
The Magico a3  and 5 need current tubes not a good match   
Firewall module by Less Loss
I am making these Duelund Mundorf Loudspeaker Purifiers. I have not advertised lately I sell a lot through previous buyers and many going to Europe ex dealer friends , Anyone that knows Duelund capacitors, and Mundorfs Best Copper foil resistors k... 
Firewall module by Less Loss
My Duelund  Loudspeaker purifiers I had taken the year off for I had a bad accident on the ice had to have a cervical fusion .my purifiers are built Excactly to youurLoudspeakers ohms rating and impedance curve that’s the Big difference tom stein... 
External Linear Power Supplies
This i can tell you not all LPS are Equal the best under $1k and I have compared them all in our audio group Linear Tube Audio ,it not onky weighs 6 pounds  but after looking under the cover nothing under $1000 is on par ,we have been comparing A... 
Favourite Guitarists
How about Erik Clapton , Jimmy page,Carlos Santana , Robin Trower which btw rock hall of fame is a political joke Robin Trower is night and day better the many in there BTW, Tommy Emmanuel ,John Entwhistle  -Bass Only mentions  of lead guitar .  
Rounded back enclosure gives clearer sound - B&W 805
There are more factors then just being round  look at MBL 126, or 120:stand mount speakers ,they are Omni directional and image excellent ,even low level details Anywhere in the room  , even off axis that’s what make them in part such a great spe...