

Responses from audioman58

Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
Bhagal  you don’t know talent Period. The late great Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins Roy Clark, John Denver, Chet Atkins           Charlie Pride, just  to name a few not including country Rock which is another total Great category. country music is all... 
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
Not even close , Rap crap 💩 is the most untalented crewgojng back in the 60s, 70s Motown was excellent and back then you had to be able to sing,songwriter and play an instrument , no gimmicks , just talent !!  
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
Not even close , Rap crap 💩 is the most untalented crewgojng back in the 60s, 70s Motown was excellent and back then you had to be able to sing,songwriter and play an instrument , no gimmicks , just talent !!  
Sensitivity 86 v 90
Yes it is a issue if you are pushing the volume now ,then you will be running the amplifier into its highest distortion which can damage yours speakers as well as your amp, find a speaker around 90 db there are plenty of them out there  Even if y... 
Speaker Cable Recommendations - Under 2k
Wireworld Eclipse excellent cable,value ,the speaker cable is awg-9 the conductors all Litz individual conductors 6-9s Copper ,patented opsilex dielectric and silver over Copper connectors , which too is very important  underwood Wally -excellen... 
Upgrade to McIntosh
McIntosh has been having their hybrids made in China and  then reinspected in the U.S and  some amps That Don’t have the autoformers .  It’s now more about business and $$ profit  the original owners were Audiophiles  now I believe S Korea owned .  
Upgrade to McIntosh
There are many better quality products then McIntosh. I used to sell them before they sold out to a Asian company  and some of their products now made in China which is sad . nice looking meters though . It’s whst inside for parts quality that ... 
How much does a DAC do the more expensive it is?
There are exceptions to the rule many R2R dacs have a very natural character, tube dacs have their own complementing character . Each company has their own way and different design . the more expensive dacs many times have more high quality fil... 
Tube DACs
Why ? Tube dacs can sound very good but there are far more SS dacs that are better in several areas  for under$7 k World class T&A 200 dac  that is next on my list it is exceptional and I have heard many dacs at 2x the cost  not as good.  
"High end" store snobbery
Your item  would maybe get a $200 trade in never trad in at a store , actually craids list would be ideal that .depending how much you have to spend there are dealers that will ship on trial especially for dacs .  
I truly believe  a dedicated dac  with a streamer is essential to get the best of your system. innous  ,as well as  Melco have good streamers . I have truly spent $1000s in experimentation ,Sonore has a very good medium l IHave found using several... 
Itrul6believe a dedicated dac  with a streamer is essential to get the best of your system. innous  ,as well as  Melco have good streamers . I have trulyspent $1000s in experimentation ,Sonore has a very good medium l IHave found using several Qua... 
What happened to those dreaded 1099 forms we were going to receive from Paypal?
Last year I received one and was stunned I had to report $20 k  for theAudio purifiers I make being  semi retired ,and then having to spend $8 taxes on older used gear ,Biden is senile and clueless ,tax more tax to thisHuge inflation  he created ... 
New Synergistic Master Fuse
Jason unborn wins. audiophile of the year again congrats . many experts Thst back up their statements with -0 proof  just conjecture, and speak out of ignorance . They offer Money back trials  put one Good fuse in your dac -The correct way  and ... 
New Synergistic Master Fuse
Mastering92  could-not be more wrong . Having owned a audio store I had the same gear  with stock buzz fuses ,and then top Hifi tuning ,Synergistic , fuses  a improvement on every piece of gear , not knowing which dac, preamp,or amplifier  just ...