

Responses from audioman58

Advice on Improving a Wifi-Mesh -> Ethernet Setup?
Your Ethernet cables make a noticeable improvement ,the one at Ethernet switch makesthe most difference , if you have a dac usb. Cable upgrade for sure,even powercords.  
Bowers and Wilkins, 801 D4
One fantastic speaker you have overlooked the MBL Loudspeakers  they not only radiate evenly but their direct connection to the source allows parts of the recording lost in most other speakers I have 2 friends and my brother sold his 1 year old S... 
OK...here's another tweak that really works
The Isotek has been doing this for years as a runn cd as well as a 5 minute system tuneup demagnitizer and I use it every 2-3 days and works well.  
For those of you who had spent over hundred thousand dollars for your sound system.
I owned a Audiostore for a number of years getting 50%+ off on many items allows systems going into the $6 digit pricing that being said I used to offer and have created system enhancers that do actually work quite well even in Highend systems su... 
Batteries in my Audioquest Colorado RCA interconnects
These are 27A batteries, not aa these are much more powerful  and a must use Duracell are best and make a difference .  
What Power Cords for Rel S510 Subs?
As far as value ,the audio advisor pangea  sig using Cardas top copper  their awg9 is a monster , or even their sig mk2 awg 14 plenty of current handling  for around $250and use very good holdover Copper connectors, not brass .  
Purifi v Gan amps?
Gan transistors we’re invented many years ago , they are much more efficient and will be in.many more products. In the future ,they are very good I actually own a GAN charger for my phones and tablets ,over 3x faster , My point is ,I have seen s... 
Streamer creates a Wow experience
I have found good Ethernet cables around $1k x2 make a much bigger difference then cheaper $300 models ,especially at the end point side. and a very good Ethernet switch ,the uptone Ethernet switch ,or far better still the Synergistic research s... 
Purifi v Gan amps?
Don’t get sucked into buying just because it has GAN in its build , if these were the end all most other top companies would be using them ? i have a top Coda integrated it’s not in Thst , Pass labs, AR , Boulder, Gryphon ,Goldman or many other t... 
Tekton haters and bashers you just got a new target!
I have owned several monitor speakers I literally broke the basket ,you would think  a nice cast basket Wrong, a polymor plastic I rebuilt several Xovers much much better sound , the magnets too nothing to write home about made in Wuhan , their p... 
Storage of other speakers in the room, shorting them while not in use? Myth or true?
I see no reason to leave any speakers in the same room if not-being used just more static object reflections.nothing more ,  
B&W 802 D2 Capacitors Worth Upgrading?
Yes for sure a great speaker to upgrade , great drivers and cabinet. Xovers a bit bright I helped rebuild a few years back, even when they went with upper mundorf capacitors they are a bit brigh5 by nature. and cheap resistors , path audio resis... 
Would you spend you money on modest brand new car or rather buy top notch vintage one?
If it were a daily driver,for sure a New car.  
Has Anyone Compared the DAC On a Bluesound NODE 3rd Gen to a Separate DAC?
Blow sound sucks period ,$100 dac in the case ,save your money for a Denafrips aries2 night and day better for $900  
Nucleus, is there a better alternative?
Fiber optic internet service like fios  only fiber to the pole then regular copper cable to the house  little green computer sell Ethernet to fiber converters  I use the uptone ether regen that has a fiber optic input ,there multi regulators  r...