

Responses from audionoobie

Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ??
I also had the Spatial M5 Sapphire for a few weeks and couldn’t stand them. They had none of the magic that the Vandy’s have. AND the speakers were damaged in shipping returning them to Spatial and Clayton put me on the hook for the costs. If it w... 
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ??
A couple people recommended the Vandersteen 2ce Sig II. I’ve had the 2ce and the 1ci in a small room similar to the OP, and I would highly recommend the 1ci over the 2.  
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ??
The Kef R3 plus a sub or two I think would work well. What are your other components? 
Magnepan, Ohm, Spatial or ??
I would think due to room size and placement limitations that planars and OB would be out. The Ohm Tall 1000's could work and they offer a generous home trial period. I heard Wharfdale's Diamond 10.7 several months ago and thought they decent litt... 
What to buy?
No one can possibly answer this question for you. They can only tell you what they like. There are literally hundreds of speakers in this price range.Where do you live? Do you have a dealer show room in your area? If so, I would set up an appointm... 
What should you hear?
Another quick example is Oscar Peterson - Night Train. Oscar Peterson is mixed dead center, while Ed Thigpen is panned to the right speaker, and Ray Brown left.  
What should you hear?
OP, What you just described is the very definition of sound stage to me. The recording engineers will pan instruments left to right within a recording. You will find on many pop and rock records that the kick drum, snare drum, vocals, and bass gui... 
Vandersteen 1Ci , your experience?
Killer system, audionoobie.  So much so, that I think you should change your handle.Thanks! Can I actually do that? :) 
Vandersteen 1Ci , your experience?
The 1ci’s were the first "audiophile" speaker I ever purchased. Being new to audio, not knowing what I really liked, and thinking I could do better, i got rid of them. I tried upgrading to the 2ce Sig II’s but found they were way too much speaker ... 
Good Streamer with WiFi Connectivity
I've been using a Bluesound Node 2 wirelessly for a couple years. No issues to speak of. The sound between wireless and wired for me is indistinguishable.  
Really need help choosing audio streamer !!!
Don't over think this. Bluesound Node 2i and be done.  
If you listen to anything other than Classic Jazz, don't read this.
BTW, I tried Spatial Audio's M5 Sapphires and wasn't impressed. They work well for many. But that just goes to show that everyone's hearing and preferences are different. You really need to go out and do the work (audition/demo/research) if you wa... 
If you listen to anything other than Classic Jazz, don't read this.
I would recommend a pair of Vandersteen 1ci with a Belles Aria integrated amp. The Vandy 1ci are good all-arounders but I feel like they really shine on music that is "less dense." By that I mean the fewer the instruments, the better they sound IM... 
Help: ISO Beginner full setup for excellent sound on $2000 max budget
@prighelloYou might be better served skipping tubes and vinyl and just going with an all in one solution like the Kef LS50 Wireless. Great looks and sonics. Built in amps tailored to their drivers. No preamp needed or turntable just stream right t... 
Spatial Audio open baffle speakers, who has them? Worthwhile change from Maggies?
@uberwaltz"At the price shipped I could not refuse!Plus Clayton said there was a 60 day return policy to boot so if I really hate them all it’s going to cost is return shipping."Be careful with Clayton if you decide to send them back, which I did....