

Responses from audionoobie

Recommend some Jazz to me
Yep, I have Emergency by TW. That stuff is pretty out there and I can only take it in small doses. I guess I'm looking to know what the seminole recordings of the swing era are. I know I can Google it, but I'm looking to find out which ones folks ... 
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ)
As an aside, I am a drummer as well, although I like to think of myself as "slightly" better than mediocre. When I’m not I.T.’ing things during the week, I play in two Top 40 club/wedding bands on the weekends.Cheers,Joe 
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ)
@cedargrover I appreciate the offer. Maybe after the new year I'll take you up on it. Lucky guy living so close to AC! 
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ)
@cedargrover That's crazy man!!! Glad you dug it as much as I did. I would say that $600 - $800 is what I'm looking to spend so I will def. keep your recommendation in mind. I'm curious to see if any other Agonners were present at AudioConnection ... 
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ)
Cedargrover,Thanks for putting up this thread, sorry we didn't have a chance to meet. I was the one that requested some 'Dan' music and Nick came up with The Nightfly. I was in the center seat, front row and i think my brain melted after hearing t... 
Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions
I'm running AQ GO-4 in my system with Vandersteen 2ce Sig II's and the Belles Aria integrated amp. I don't have anything else to compare it to but they sound great. Expensive though!!! 
wet blankets, CSNY and what a difference a DAC makes
@gdnrbob Funny you should bring that up. I was on the phone today with Johnny R. and David Belles and we confirmed you can run a sub on the Belles Aria by connecting a high pass filter to the MON OUT and MON IN jacks. I don't know, however, if thi... 
Vandersteen fans..need your input (TREO CT)
@2psyop Nope, you may be on to something there. I’m a drummer of almost 40 years. I did not always wear hearing protection in my youth. The last hearing test I had, about 20 years ago, showed loss of hearing in high frequencies. --Joe 
Vandersteen fans..need your input (TREO CT)
I have the Vandy 2ce Sig II’s with a Belles Aria int. amp and AQ GO4 double run bi-wire speaker cables. Your system is probably 3x more expensive than mine, but I share the same exact opinion as you. That there is something lacking with respect to... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@grannyring Good to know. Thanks! 
Tekton Double Impacts
@greg22lz I am noticing more and more that the mods are very heavy handed with regards to removing posts. Where can I find the terms of service and what is considered a violation? Seems like the decisions are very arbitrary.   
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
I understand that hibiscus has the best bass response. 
$3000 Speaker Search
I also have a 12’ x 11’ foot room. I have the Vandy 2ce Sig II’s. They are very nice and sound like they would meet your requirement of having excellent imaging and musicality over detail. Truth be told I wish they were more revealing a lot of the... 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
I used the Rule of Thirds (29% Version) for speaker placement found on this site yesterday.http://noaudiophile.com/speakercalc/My room is 154" x 134." I am setup along the long wall. Rule of Thirds (29% Version)"This is my favorite placement recom... 
Thiel CS2
Agree with dlcockrum and rcprince. I've owned Thiel CS2's since 1986. Auditioned Vandersteen 2Ce finding them overall a bit "restrained." Nice sound but not as engaging.Thiel loudspeakers will give you richer timbre and detail than Vandersteen.Mod...