Responses from audionoobie
Recommend some Jazz to me Yep, I have Emergency by TW. That stuff is pretty out there and I can only take it in small doses. I guess I'm looking to know what the seminole recordings of the swing era are. I know I can Google it, but I'm looking to find out which ones folks ... | |
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ) As an aside, I am a drummer as well, although I like to think of myself as "slightly" better than mediocre. When I’m not I.T.’ing things during the week, I play in two Top 40 club/wedding bands on the weekends.Cheers,Joe | |
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ) @cedargrover I appreciate the offer. Maybe after the new year I'll take you up on it. Lucky guy living so close to AC! | |
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ) @cedargrover That's crazy man!!! Glad you dug it as much as I did. I would say that $600 - $800 is what I'm looking to spend so I will def. keep your recommendation in mind. I'm curious to see if any other Agonners were present at AudioConnection ... | |
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ) Cedargrover,Thanks for putting up this thread, sorry we didn't have a chance to meet. I was the one that requested some 'Dan' music and Nick came up with The Nightfly. I was in the center seat, front row and i think my brain melted after hearing t... | |
Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions I'm running AQ GO-4 in my system with Vandersteen 2ce Sig II's and the Belles Aria integrated amp. I don't have anything else to compare it to but they sound great. Expensive though!!! | |
wet blankets, CSNY and what a difference a DAC makes @gdnrbob Funny you should bring that up. I was on the phone today with Johnny R. and David Belles and we confirmed you can run a sub on the Belles Aria by connecting a high pass filter to the MON OUT and MON IN jacks. I don't know, however, if thi... | |
Vandersteen fans..need your input (TREO CT) @2psyop Nope, you may be on to something there. I’m a drummer of almost 40 years. I did not always wear hearing protection in my youth. The last hearing test I had, about 20 years ago, showed loss of hearing in high frequencies. --Joe | |
Vandersteen fans..need your input (TREO CT) I have the Vandy 2ce Sig II’s with a Belles Aria int. amp and AQ GO4 double run bi-wire speaker cables. Your system is probably 3x more expensive than mine, but I share the same exact opinion as you. That there is something lacking with respect to... | |
Tekton Double Impacts @grannyring Good to know. Thanks! | |
Tekton Double Impacts @greg22lz I am noticing more and more that the mods are very heavy handed with regards to removing posts. Where can I find the terms of service and what is considered a violation? Seems like the decisions are very arbitrary. | |
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect! I understand that hibiscus has the best bass response. | |
$3000 Speaker Search I also have a 12’ x 11’ foot room. I have the Vandy 2ce Sig II’s. They are very nice and sound like they would meet your requirement of having excellent imaging and musicality over detail. Truth be told I wish they were more revealing a lot of the... | |
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect! I used the Rule of Thirds (29% Version) for speaker placement found on this site yesterday. room is 154" x 134." I am setup along the long wall. Rule of Thirds (29% Version)"This is my favorite placement recom... | |
Thiel CS2 Agree with dlcockrum and rcprince. I've owned Thiel CS2's since 1986. Auditioned Vandersteen 2Ce finding them overall a bit "restrained." Nice sound but not as engaging.Thiel loudspeakers will give you richer timbre and detail than Vandersteen.Mod... |