
Responses from audioquest4life

High quality AC turntable motor
Hi all, I am reading this thread with interest. The technical knowledge of some here, amazes me. Having upgraded my turntable system to a three motor controller: this German webpage, they discuss anot... 
AC Outlets
Try TeslaPlex SE outlets. 
Soundproof material for a dedicated room
Using Roxul Safe and Sound is a great way to help soundproof your room. The wife and I just did the media room in the basement of our house that is being built. We added the Safe and Sound to the ceiling from the media room and it was virtually pr... 
Vinyl In the Netherlands
Bad timing, if you were there a few months later you would be able to partake in one of Europes largest Record Show in Utrecht.,Audioquest4life 
stone wall behind the audio rack and speakers
I built a sandstone wall behind my speakers a few years ago and the sound transformation was absolutely awesome. I suggest it highly. The music just seemed to be more natural and musical. One caveat, you will need to treat the room on the other wa... 
What are the best amps for B&W N802's?
There is no "Best" for this speaker. You can drive these speakers with as little as an 10 watt per channel Ipod integrated amplifier or 500 watt plus amps. The key questions you need to answer are how loud you want to play and how much bass do you... 
Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...
It looks like the older CX series of power cables are being bought as soon as they are listed for sale on several websites. I missed out on a Python CX because I thought about it for a day, dang it. I guess you snooze you lose. Anyway, I was wonde... 
Tubes vs Solid State
I use tube amps with B&W 800's. In my experience, the biggest difference in using SS and tubes with these B&W's is in bass control. I went from a pair of Bryston 4BSST's bi-amped to a pair of 150 watt Octave MRE 130's mono amps. The sound ... 
Expensive Condo - Expensive Audio
I saw the same HGTV episode with the Million Dollar audiophile Room. It stated that the audiophile had 125,000 LP's and a $1,000 a month electric bill. I loved all of the Mcintosh gear. 
Removing power conditioner...
I have always used an Isotek Gemini or Isotek Multiway power bar with multiple outlets for my equipment. I just purchased one of the last remaining older generation Isotek 8 Multitway's for my system. It has industrial looks, is shielded, non curr... 
Shunyata Zitron Cobra AC Power Cable?
Disregard this post. Another thread similar to this answered the question 
KT120 transformer failures
I have not heard of KT120 filament failures as you describe them nor any of the warnings you mentioned. I believe an autobias amplifier that does not have adequate plate voltage or current may experience this issue if it cannot supply adequate vol... 
Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...
Vhiner, Thank you for the update. After reading some preliminary reports out in the "field" from a few other forums and your update, I am led to believe that the new Zitron Cobra is a much better performing cable than the previous Python cables. N... 
Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...
How does the new Ztron Cobra AC power cable compare to the older CX series, especially the Python CX? I have the Python CX right now and it sounds pretty darn good as the main power cable for an Aesthetix IO. I need a good cable to power an Isotek... 
Going to Munich, what should I not miss seeing?
Not sure when you are going but if you are going to Munich at the beginning of May, then the High End is the THE place to go in Munich: is also full of record stores:http://muenchen.cyl...