AC Outlets

Where do I search for ac outlets?
Elizabeth is right on the Levitrons. Their heavy duty outlets may be well made for running a vacuum cleaner but they stink for audio. I was shocked (not literaly) by the Audio Magic outlets, which appear to be based on these same Levitrons. I was able to take power treatment out of the lines I use for my amps using these AM outlets. They are also much better than the PS audio outlets. I have not tried the Porter Ports. I suggest you give one of the Audio Magic nanoplex outlets a try.
Elizabeth, really, $3 where do you shop ?

These are the ones I'm referring to

[url=]Industrial Grade Outlet[/url]

I guess these are the ones you are referring to

[url=]Hubbel Outlet[/url]

Good listening

There certainly is wide variation in how a wall outlet affects the sound of your system. In my system, I have found the Synergistic Research outlet to make the greatest improvement in sound. I have tried the original outlet, the "heavy duty" outlet, PSAudio, and Oyaide R-1.
I found the Synergistic Research outlet to give a wonderful detailed- open- rich sound.
Whers to buy "Audio Grade" outlets? Scott Walker Audio, The Cable Company, VH Audio, Tweek Geek, Parts Connection, Hi End Audio.
I wonder which outlets Paul has critically listened to from his response.
If you mean specifically here on Audiogon go to the Power section of the Marketplace and then select AC Distribution or AC Conditioners. Sometimes a text search for Outlet or the specific brand you are looking will yield results. E.g. Porter Port.