Responses from audition__audio
Single ended = large images? I cant imagine an amplifier increasing the perceived size of instruments. Normally this is the results of speakers and interaction with the room. SETs are very quick to clip and do so in a very subtle fashion so what you are experiencing might be ... | |
Ken Fritz's $1M Dream System update I tend to think brunomarcs is on to something. Plenty of examples of really poor parents by which to compare. I find it hard to believe that some many of you (us) believe the printed word regardless of the source. To accurately understand this fam... | |
Calling All Tube Gurus If the tubes were made with acid etched codes as were all the Philips Europe tubes then the code is all that matters. Same can be said of the silk screened codes, but they can be more easily faked and often rub off. Branding has no influence on th... | |
Solid State Preamp to replace tube unit Almost no downside to components that use small signal tubes like preamps. I have never heard a S.S. preamp that even comes close in a number of areas to even more modestly priced tubed units. Now with amplifiers things get a bit more complicated. | |
DarTzeel’s new direction Thanks for this post skinzy! Sweeping generalizations about individuals of any economic status are the indication of a small mind. | |
warmest speaker cables you've heard? For once I agree with something jasonbourne has posted. Wires should not be considered tone controls. If you have a component that is too bright sell it! Attention should be paid to room acoustics as well. This could be part of the problem. | |
D amps My brother tried the Topping amps and they were absolutely horrible. They retailed for around $ 1500.00 and he sent them back for a refund. Granted they were not fully broken in (about 50 hours). Also connections were funky and the build quality d... | |
ATC active vs. passive At the shows I have heard both the active and passive ATCs. The passive speakers were being driven by a S.S. amp. I thought the actives sounded much better. In fact, I really liked the actives and thought the passives were pedestrian sounding. Cou... | |
I am looking for accurate plans for Altec 612 (Abby Road Monitors) Did the ghost of Thiel design these crossovers? I guess simpler isnt always better. | |
DarTzeel’s new direction Jealous Jason. | |
I am looking for accurate plans for Altec 612 (Abby Road Monitors) You might try Great Plains Acoustics. If he cant help I bet he will someone that can. | |
Vintage Turntable Recommendation It is very possible that some of the newer "budget" turntables will outperform the vintage tables. | |
California Audio Labs Icon Repair only if very cheap. | |
???Compare-Contrast or Comment???Harbeth-ProAc or Reference 3a??? And I would say that any speaker with a thin, lossy cabinet and large front baffle cannot have any of the attributes you ascribe. Please keep in mind this isnt personal just physics. The larger the cabinet the more this cabinet resonates (much lik... | |
???Compare-Contrast or Comment???Harbeth-ProAc or Reference 3a??? One of my least favorite speakers are Harbeth. Be careful when a manufacturer proclaims something to be of sonic benefit which then turns out to be the cheapest way to make the speaker. They sound just as they should given the lossy cabinet and wi... |