
Responses from audition__audio

No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy?
Yes if you must use reviews attempt to find a reviewer whose taste resembles your own. Harry Pearson kept equipment he liked for years and then returned it often beat to sh*t.   
Is Recording quality the real culprit?
And in the 70s it was radio.   
Is Recording quality the real culprit?
As your system evolves everything is improved, even bad recordings. It can be no other way. As others have said you just need to embrace the "suck" and look for the aspects of these bad recordings that you like better in the improved system. Far w... 
No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy?
Yeah the late not so great H.P.   What celtic66 said. Hey look we actually did something.  
No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy?
 Wont change a thing.   
so bass traps in corners do nothing, it seems we have been fooled. or are being fooled.
I plan to do wall damp in my room but have been too lazy to start this project. This would seem to be a great place to start.   
so bass traps in corners do nothing, it seems we have been fooled. or are being fooled.
Dont stop deep when he has an opportunity to make statements about social and economic inequities. Remember this is about Foley not other white collar criminals so his attempt at distraction is lame. Several posts on other sites about Foley taking... 
JBL's Marketing Blunder..
In the area of accurate reproduction, the original speakers which created the sound in the first place are not necessarily the best choice. Very likely that a speaker which is more accurate and true to the source will make the JBL D120s sound more... 
JBL's Marketing Blunder..
Nothing wrong with the ad. Silly that someone would even call it into question. Of course the criticism follows a particular stereotype that seems to be falling out of favor. Imagine the horror if it had been a female of color.   
so bass traps in corners do nothing, it seems we have been fooled. or are being fooled.
I want to shave his head.  
Borresen X3 vs Harbeth 40.2 -- my impressions
How these speakers sound is a direct result of the cabinet. A good thing when a designer like Shaw can propose the superiority of a cabinet that is the simplest and least expensive cabinet on the market. Usually designers avoid lossy cabinets, par... 
Borresen X3 vs Harbeth 40.2 -- my impressions
With respect, I think much of what you are hearing with the Harbeth speakers are the distortions caused by the cabinet and other things as well. When auditioning most the Harbeth line, I found them very very colored, but decidedly pleasant. Plus a... 
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC
Sorry but an article written by a reviewer about this subject is not the last word. In fact it really means nothing. I got a real kick out of "its always men". Is this comment the result of the fact that this hobby consists almost entirely of men,... 
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC
Jerry One has nothing to do with the other. So your mention of the power of the vote just put you on the same no fly list as DCS. Who cares what you think?  
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC
Some of the blame lies squarely on the head of gullible consumers who place too much credence on what any reviewer has to say. Navigating the confusing landscape of high end audio can be daunting hence the emergence of sites like ASR.