
Responses from avanti1960

KEF Reference 1 or LS60
Listen hard before you buy.  I personally dislike the current KEF sound which is artificial and metallic, from the R series to the Blades.   JMHO and I am not alone as witnessed at the AXPONA audio show,    
Pre-Meta KEF Reference 1 or LS50 Meta
Of the three the best sounding one to my ears is the Pre Meta LS50 (which I owned). The reason I liked them so much is the voicing, or frequency response they were given. The Meta version of the LS50s are voiced differently and are more subdued ... 
Disappointing On Mcintosh......help
As people have mentioned a great sounding system relies on system synergy.  I have heard Mac source and amplification sound uninspiring and even atrocious paired with GoldenEar and Sonus Faber speakers.   I have also heard it sound about as good... 
How do I know if my systems any good?
For the vast majority of recordings (95%)- DOES: Sound life like, provides realism Has exciting dynamics, attack and quickness Can turn it up when you want to and still sound good Spacious, 3-dimensional sound stage Clearly separates the mus... 
Anybody Try A5s With Pass XA30.8?
I had the XA30.8 for  while driving Spendor D7.2 towers in a medium / large room sitting 10 feet away and there were no issues with power availability.  The 30.8 puts out 120 watts at 4 ohms and is 2-ohm stable.    Your speakers are lower sensiti... 
"Too much gain"? (Cary SLP05 question)
@immathewj I have learned your issue the hard way having bought a power amp with 26db gain for my Cary SLP-05 (Pass Labs XA30.8).  Even when the Cary's gain is backed off to half (going any lower affects dynamics) there is too much gain in the sy... 
Benchmark AHB2 or Class D (GaN FET)
I had a set of Benchmark run in mono configuration.  I simply could not get them to sound great in my system and had to sell them.   They had a predominant midrange forward character where the midrange was so much louder than other frequencies.  ... 
Experience with Luxman L-550 AXII
go for it. the ultra smooth sound of the class A Luxman is a perfect combo with your Cornwalls. Class A amps like Pass Labs are a top performer with the Klipsch heritage series and a desirable combination., so is the class A Luxman    
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
It is possible for low end manufacturers to overprice their goods.   People say audiophile gear prices are crazy and they might be right.  However, show me a (component) for cheaper that sounds as good in all categories,   Unfortunately many tim... 
Which Hegel Amp with LRS+
@dcpillai   have not heard the LRS+ and Hegel.  I am not a fan of the sound of Hegel amplifiers- haven't heard a good one yet.    
Harbeth 30.2 or Falcon Gold Badge
The 30.2 XD are a step up in dynamics and scale from an LS3/5a speaker and are world class.   The only caveat is that they might be a bit too smooth sounding with an overly smooth amplifier like a Luman.  I demoed them with the new Luxman L 507z ... 
Which Hegel Amp with LRS+
I would seriously consider the Rogue Audio Pharaoh 2.  400 WPC at 4-ohms and a tube front end.   I heard a similar Rogue Audio setup with the LRS+ and the sound was full, smooth and amazing.    
my shortlist for integrated Harbethsuper hl5 plus xd - please advise
I had the SHL5+ paired with a Parasound a21+ and they sounded excellent together, the smooth, punchy Parasound sound is a perfect match for the Harbeth.  The Parasound house sound is represented in their integrated amp, the HINT 6.  At 240 watts ... 
Why Are There So Many Used Rogue ST-100's Being Offered For Sale?
People are dumping them because KT 120s are impossible to get for the foreseeable future. This is no indication of the amp’s sound quality which is really nice in all areas.  
How do you high pass your main speakers?
High passing the main speakers is something I would never consider. Your ATCs make excellent bass, why would you want to take that away from them? You can integrate subwoofers seamlessly without doing so.