Responses from avanti1960
Lyra Delos Owners 2024 The Delos is the best sounding cartridge i have heard, handily beats the Ortofon Cadenza Blue I had before, cleaner, smoother, clearer and more dynamic. Shreds to bits the Soundsmith zephyr mimc star es and also better than the at ART9 series X... | |
Humminguru record cleaner @rvpiano loving the performance and convenience of my guru i bought from the first batch from the manufacturer! multitasking while records are cleaning is so nice. | |
Synergy @rvpiano the clearaudio is a decent cartridge and i suspect the soundsmith retip and cantilever (ruby?) gave it a performance boost. however the hana should be competitive. could the difference be that your phono preamp is better suited to M... | |
Musical subwoofer under $2000 I am critical of subwoofers and most recently owned two REL T9i units. The RELs sounded excellent but had a couple flaws that made me sell them. The level control was too coarse for properly matching with my main speakers- one click position an... | |
Tube preamp match with Solid Stare amp I love my Cary SLP-05 but it has too much gain for the Coda and the 10Kohms is borderline. This Rogue Audio RP-9 is my recommendation for you. Rogue Audio RP-9 Stereo Tube Preamplifier; RP9 - The Music Room (tmraudio.com) Products_RP9.htm ... | |
Going from MM to MC The Lyra Delos sounds above every cartridge I have owned. It is clearer, cleaner, more detailed yet smooth, has dynamics and energy as good as my digital sources. Bass is punchy and detailed, midrange is clear and life like, treble is sweet and n... | |
Does a record player make that much of a difference?? @joshindc With a turntable I am more of a function over form kind of guy. By that I mean once you break a turntable down into its basic functions and your table has those bases covered, the rest is diminishing returns on the dollar. And yes, pe... | |
LS50 vs R11/7/5 Meta Music Direct has a 60 day return window. | |
LS50 vs R11/7/5 Meta @martinman Which is why I recommended the MoFi Sourcepoint 10- it is a point source system with tweeter in the center of the main driver just like the KEFs but with a 10 inch woofer ! Also the Sourcepoint 8 is excellent too. MoFi Electronic... | |
LS50 vs R11/7/5 Meta @martinman Depends on how critical of a listener you are. I was in the same boat- loved the sound of the LS50s but even with subs and in my medium room they didn’t sound big enough. I have upgraded several times since the originals and listened... | |
AXPONA — PS Audio Listened to the PS Audio system at AXPONA pre covid as well as the 2023 show. The first thing that came to mind was "These sound like a big bold Wurlitzer juke box" heard many times in the days in my younger days. Big, bold bassy, forgiving m... | |
Do I upgrade my cartridge or my turntable a better cartridge sounds better. | |
Found Great Seller - Plinth for Technics 1200 GAE fyi i had one of these, looked very nice but the mounting system was unstable imho. it used 4 thin plastic rectangles that were captured by the turntable feet. the peices were then pushed to the corners of the plinth shell where they would fit u... | |
Table,cartridge,phono...where to put most of my money? @missioncoonery i had your exact budget and split it into 3 more or less. table, technics sl200gr herbies 4mm mat cartridge lyra delos phono pre sutherland 20 20 with linear power supply. the sound does everything my best digital sources ... | |
Focal Sopra n1 - mids are a bit recessed compared to Lumina IIs you have pointed out why i do not prefer focal speakers because i highly value the midrange, latest generation mcintosh amps are much clearer and slightly midrange forward hence the improvement. |