Responses from avanti1960
Coaxials - Reality vs. Experience? A coaxial application done right can give the best coherence and power dispersion in all directions. You have the potential for the biggest sweet spot and sound stage with proper supporting equipment, positioning and amplification. Unfortunate... | |
Under my tower speakers -- Isoacoustics Gaia, other options? isolation recommendations without specifying floor type are meaningless. | |
New Audio Technica ART9XA Up and Running..... the shibata sounds awesome after it is burned in and burnished- e.g. 30 hours. smooth as silk and all the detail you could want. | |
Dipswitches for Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE II looks like you have it right- windows 1 and 2- 1 on (MC) and 4 on (100 ohms) windows 3 and 4- 1 on (+10 db, 66 db total gain) and 2 on (this is the 23Hz roll off filter. I used this setting with my subwoofers and bass sounded tighter and ... | |
Best turntable under $4000 Technics 1200 G. nothing else comes close. you have to break down the functions of a table and form becomes low on the priority list (although the G is not bad IMHO, certainly not a deal breaker). 1) Immunity from vibration -CHECK-. No wall moun... | |
Relative Importance of Analog Components cartridge first, the best you can afford and that your turntable will support with proper adjustments and net system resonance. phono stage also needs to support the cartridge with proper gain and loading options. | |
The problem with absorption panels- it kills the fine details over doing it with acoustic panels can deaden the sound too much. however unless the panels block the direct radiating sound of your speakers you are not losing detail. what you are losing is sound reflected by adjacent surfaces mixing with the ... | |
need amp recommendations for more separation of instruments once you have optimized your speaker and listening positions, amplifiers do make a difference in separation of musical elements. class A amps or amps that run high into class A do this the best from what I have owned and heard. A pass labs XA25 d... | |
can you please help me around how to use my first tube amp? it may sound unhalanced left to right or not as strong and powerful as it could. if they are over biased the tubes could burn out prematurely. also it is a good way to spot a bad tube. a bad tube cannot be biased to the correct current. de... | |
can you please help me around how to use my first tube amp? hi, congrats on an excellent sounding amp! i had a rogue cronus magnum ii and loved it. dont be intidated about bias adjust, it is easy. just let the amp warm up for 20 min or so, remove the screws on the small window plate. then flip the ... | |
Cables from amp to preamp or longer speaker cables… i value the quality of the XLR cables I use, they make a big difference. I am not sure they make the ones I like in that length. Longer speaker cables are common and for me the cheaper solution for the best sound. | |
Under my tower speakers -- Isoacoustics Gaia, other options? Concrete floor is about as good as it gets. Use spikes and make sure they pierce the carpet. A bit of a pain but worth it. I rock my speakers gently back and forth until they feel solid. Speakers like to be rigid and motionless as possible. ... | |
Inverted Phase Preamplifiers with REL Subwoofers use the high level inputs on your subwoofer. subwoofers seeing the same signal as your amplifier sounds best in my many trials and systems. | |
Aftermarket power cable on Sutherland 20/20 MkII @audphile1 respect your findings but the two times I tried to upgrade power cables on my system in different amplifiers the sound became worse. | |
Your thoughts/experience with very good, cheap tuners? second the cambridge audio. a lively dynamic sounding tuner. |