Responses from avanti1960
Tube Preamp for Pass XA25 under $3,000 the XA30.8 has 26 db gain (quite a bit more than the XA25 20db). It was too much gain for my cary preamp and I sold the amp. gain matching is critical. | |
Tube Preamp for Pass XA25 under $3,000 the backert labs preamps have a very good reputation, hopefully the 9db of gain will not cause the xa25 to sound anemic because of its relatively low 20db gain. my xa25 needed the 24 db gain my cary slp 05 put out, which is why i suggested the s... | |
Cary Audio SLP-05 First Impression The Sylvania 6SN7 GTAs from the early 50's are the best sounding tubes I have had to date including Ken Rad, RCA, Raytheon etc. The Sylvanias are reasonable and NOS units are readily available from reliable tube sellers on e-b. | |
Tube Preamp for Pass XA25 under $3,000 The recent Cary thread was about the SLP-05 and fixing the issue centered around too much gain from a high voltage source that had more than twice the voltage that the Cary and many other preamps specify. The DAC in question had an output of 6 v... | |
Tube Preamp for Pass XA25 under $3,000 I have a Cary Audio SLP-05 when I had the Pass XA25 and it was a superb match- because the Cary had higher than usual gain (23db). The XA25 has lower than usual gain for a power amp (20 db). The 05 is over your budget but an SLP-98 is not. You wi... | |
Who says studio monitors are "cold and analytical"? @lonemountain studio monitors tend to sound accurate and analytical to most people. one of their design goals is to allow studio engineers to hear any flaws in the recording. some people like them for home use too. me personally i can take them ... | |
Four Hour Tube Amp Warm-Up No ! I have had Rogue Audio amplifiers (Cronus magnum integrated, stereo 100 power amp). Each of them starting sounding great by the end of a record- e.g. 40 minutes or so. Definitely an improvement after side 1, maybe an hour max. | |
Help and Advice Needed: Cary Audio SLP-05 Preamp RMA Disaster in all fairness to Cary dealing with nearly double the recommended input voltage that the OPs DAC has in balanced mode is a tough thing to accomplish. in fact I have read in other manufacturer’s amplifier and preamplifier manuals that input volta... | |
Compare Bob Carver Black Magic 25 and Rogue Stereo 100? I have never heard the Carver but here are the facts- with stock tubes it puts out 25 watts per channel. it does not appear to have a large bank of filtering or storage capacitors. it weighs 19 lbs. reports are circulating that it actually ... | |
Luxman 590AX II Break-In @jeffreyw if the speakers are fairly new you can expect better bass from them as they accumulate hours- ~ 200 + or so and the bass will peak. also if new try playing some music with powerful bass for 24 hours continuously to help break them in m... | |
Hybrid Tube Preamp - Loud Pops and Crackles Try this with your tubes (from a well known tube seller) Now, what if I heard something? For noise, at normal listening volume at your listening position you will clearly hear hiss, pops, crackles, rumble, whistles, or any combination of the abo... | |
Soundstage drastically worsened when I replaced a solid state AV amp with tubes. If you haven't already do turn off all audio processing on the MX123 including Dolby: Dolby Atmos, Dolby Surround Upmixer DTS: DTS-X, Neural:X Surround Upmixer, DTS Virtual:X Auro: 3D, Auro-Matic, 9.1, 10.1 IMAX Enhanced. Also turn off Audyssey o... | |
Luxman 590AX II Break-In how many hours on the speakers? | |
Pass Labs Speaker Choices Another sweet pairing is both the Pass XA25 and XA30.8 with Spendor D7.2 speakers. The XA25 sounded magical and had decent power with the 90db sensitive speakers. The XA30.8 had more power but did not sound as good overall. | |
McIntosh Amplifier Gain Specs at Speaker Taps I do not yet have the amplifier. If people have successfully used the 2-ohm taps with 8-ohm speakers that will be an encouragement to consider one. |