
Responses from avanti1960

New Dennis Had amps
They look good, I have a nice Cary preamp to drive them...  
Phono preamp with best mid bass
Not sure what your budget is but I had the best midbass with my turntable when the lower bass was filtered and didn't waste amplifier power.   The Lehmann Audio Decade and Black Cube SEII have bass filters that begin cutting the output below 50 t... 
Which preamp to go with pass labs x150.8
I love the refinement and spaciousness of the sound of a good tube preamp.  My Cary Audio SLP 05 in front of the Pass XA25 sounds incredible.   It should also work well with the X150.8.    
Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?
@jjss49  the inquiry was simply asking the AG community if this amplifier "makes the cut" as a worthy part of discriminating audio and music lovers.  The term "audiophile" was used assuming that we would understand its context, not try to define ... 
My Medium List of Amplifiers and my Personal Review of Each !
Update to the list. OUT- Parasound JC5 IN- Dual Benchmark AHB2. Reigning Champion- Pass Labs XA25 While the JC5 had its strong points- namely a clear, transparent midrange when the recording called for it, impactful bass even at low volume and... 
Primaluna or not Primaluna
I have heard PL amps several times and never warmed up to their sound.  They have good bass but the midrange has always sounded flat and shouty. tube rectifiers are good but have their disadvantages too.   i really enjoyed the sound of my rogue ... 
Speaker upgrade
The Volti Razz sounds excellent and is the most refined of the ones on your list. My only reservation is that they sounded a bit too smooth when I heard them however the crossovers can easily be adjusted by changing the snap in resistors with some... 
Spatial X5 speakers
Just noticed the X5s are discontinued in favor of the X4.  The X4 are passive vs. the X5 powered woofers with DSP control.   I wonder why they discontinued the powered woofer model?    
First phono stage upgrade
Try the Lehmann Black Cube SE II.  Includes LPS and for ~ $1200 is a super good deal.    
Cartridge burn-in
With respect to cartridges- think about it.  It is a vibrating tuning fork like object connected to a voltage generator.   The simple act of burnishing the newly cut sharp surfaces of the stylus with repeated plays should affect the way it reacts... 
Cartridge burn-in
I have never in my life become accustomed to any kind of audio harshness.  I could have saved lots of money if that were true.    This idea needs to be banished once and for all.    
Ultrasonic record cleaners
Second the Humminguru.  Awesome product and so easy to use.  Excellent value and so convenient.  I clean every new LP.        
Static attack! Time to get the humidifiers going
I live in the northern climates and never have a problem with LP static and no humidifier either.  I use a good wet cleaner on all LPs, previously the Record Doctor and now a Humminguru ultrasonic.  Clean and then place in a mofi antistatic slee... 
Graham LS5/9 vs Harbeth M30.2 and SHL5 Plus
A lot will depend on your amplifier.  I have owned the SHL5+ and heard the 30.2 extensively.   Both can be end game with the right amplifier and room positioning.   The Spendor classic sounds engaging at first listen but you pick up on a unique ... 
Compatibility between speakers and sub.
get an app and some full spectrum pink noise to measure the f3 at your listening spot,  i bet it will be lower than you think.   after many years of subs i felt they sounded great most of the time but caused some issues and were only useful with ...