
Responses from avanti1960

Too Much Gain the Issue ? (preamp and amp)
@pmm  Thanks, how does using attenuators work better than using the level controls on the front of the Cary?    
Liquid Stylus Cleaners
I have always used liquid occasionally- e.g. every two weeks or so, using the Audio-Technica stylus fluid.  Never had an issue with stylus / cantilever upwards of 1500 hours on cartridges.   There are certain deposits that require the liquid to r... 
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
@larryi thanks for your report.  sibilance is what i was concerned about and is something difficult to fix when there is such a size difference between drivers without filtering out key midrange frequencies.   i like the big bass and high sensit... 
Sutherland LPS making sound thin?
I added my LPS after owning the 20/20 for several months and noticed very little difference in sound-  although i am sure if i put the wall warts back in it would be noticeable.   
What exactly is a speaker box sound?
agreed. boxy sound is caused by cabinet resonance, some more some less.    
Sound is better when I stand up?
The Ref angled baffle as others mentioned points the drivers upward.  This is by design for phase and response.    When standing your ears are more on axis and you hear more midrange and treble and less floor reflected bass.   Not every speaker s... 
Best sounding CD player
The MBL Cadenza is the best sounding player I have heard. Amazingly smooth, detailed, clear and dynamic.   Second best is my Luxman D05, superb sounding. The Marantz players are good but still noticeably digital by comparison.  
speakers/ amps liking one another
I do not see the smaller room being your biggest issue.   You are coming from a Linear Tube Audio amp which are awesome (i think, not clear in your post) driving the highly sensitive dynamic Tektons going to the Bland sounding Focal towers.   In... 
My Medium List of Amplifiers and my Personal Review of Each !
Update to the list. OUT- Dual Mono Benchmark AHB2  IN-Pass Labs XA 30.8 Reigning Champion- Pass Labs XA25 The Benchmarks sounded really good but I believe were a gain miss-match with my Cary Audio preamp.  This resulted in lack of refinement a... 
What should be mandatory in every professional published review-
at this point it is safe to say that most reviews are flawed and not an undeniable reference for purchasing anything.  they are constrained from mentioning anything remotely detracting about the sound and in fact barely describe the sound characte... 
A New MC to Catch One's Attention
I think I would rather have the ART1000 with its butterfly wing coil.   I was super happy when the ART9 was a $1K cartridge, actually $950.   Now they are $1500 bucks and the next lowest price model is the 33sa @ $769.   Quite a big gap.    
What a difference a setting makes.
@audphile1  could your cartridge have also broken in?  i have the 20/20 too and it didn't seem to change at all after a few days.   i have had cartridges sound too hot and bright when new and 100 ohms sounded best.  once they burn in they become... 
AHB2/Sansui Receiver Pre-out Sound without using volume pot
Is the subwoofer playing musical beats and notes or is it a steady drone?    
Looking for subwoofer recommendations
I had a JL Audio 10" sealed sub that was extremely punchy- just a touch too much cabinet resonance that blurred the midrange at times.   My favorite subs were REL T9i, sealed but with passive radiators.  Very fat, punchy and easy to integrate.   ... 
AHB2/Sansui Receiver Pre-out Sound without using volume pot
Just to be clear you have removed the U jumper between the pre-out and main-in and have each output Y split to feed the amp and sub for each channel?  What happens when the AHB2 is on and zero volume?  Any sound from the DAC?  If so, there is so...