Responses from awise1961
Which MC low output cartridge for Lenco L75? Perhaps the Denon 103 but with a Soundsmith line contact stylus upgrade instead of the stock conical?Al. Wise | |
Tube or Solid State Headphone Amp I'm using a Schiit Lyr2 with my Grado PS500's and like the combo very much.I did change the stock tubes to vintage Siemens CCA's though.Al. Wise | |
Primaluna Tube System I had a Prologue 3/5 setup two years back now.They really opened up once I changed the stock tubes to vintage pieces. The only new issue tubes were Gold Lion KT-77's in the Prologue 5.Al. Wise | |
SoundSmith repair time I sent two cartridges to Soundsmith in mid March (Clearaudio Maestro and Adcom HPE/II) for level two rebuilds and received them both back two weeks ago.My Koetsu Black is headed out tomorrow for the top level re-tipping service. I want to retain t... | |
The Demise of the Hi-End Audio Store I'm fortunate that my work has me traveling all over the country on a regular basis. This gives me the luxury of being able to visit many different audio stores across the nation and listen to pieces of equipment that I otherwise might only see on... | |
Tube recommendations for AES AE-3 Preamp I have yet to find a chrome dome Sylvania to be noisey.The EH's on the other hand sang like a bird.Al. Wise | |
Tube recommendations for AES AE-3 Preamp I have an AES AE-3 Mkii preamp and after some tube rolling I settled in on vintage yellow writing Sylvania's.The vintage Tungsols had a bit less of a soundstage as did the RCA's.The new production EH's were my least favorite.Also, I replaced the s... | |
Optimizing the Prima Luna Premium Integrated amp I've run both vintage Sylvania black plate 5814's and Raytheon black plate 12BH7A's in place of the the stock 12AU7's in my Primaluna Prologue Three preamp with great success. Changing out the stock Chinese 12AX7's to vintage Telefunkins made a bi... | |
Primaluna tube gear I am running a Primaluna Prologue Three preamp feeding a Prologue Five amp.I found the stock Chinese tubes to be lacking.In the Prologue Three I replaced the rectifier tubes with early 60's Mullard 5AR4's, the driver tubes with NOS 60's German RFT... |