
Responses from bassbuyer

Which inexpensive speaker cables...
Too bad about the Pine Tree Audio cost.  Great cables and customer service.  Suggest Blue Jeans cable.  They can customize to any length and type of connectors.  Both companies have excellent customer service and are US based.    
Got Innuous, now a DAC
Congratulations on your new equipment.  I did the same moving from a Bluesound Node N130 to a used Zen Mk3 from an excellent local dealer.  I immediately noticed an improvement streaming Qobuz too.  I find the Sense app is even better than the Blu... 
Be aware of a scam!
Thanks for the heads up.  Reinforces being careful when purchasing online.  I use PayPal or Venmo when buying and selling online so there’s recourse if there’s any issues.    
Whats playing on your system today?
Tres Hombres - ZZ Top   
I am checking out these DAC's for my system
The Holo Audio is excellent.  I love the sound and it’s very well built.    
How do you A/B amps in your system?
Douk Audio VU3 Pro.  Can switch between 2 amps and/or 2 sets of speakers plus you get colored meters.    
MissingCDs and records
Hope all goes well with your recovery.  There is something special about owning and playing physical music.  I find it’s what I grew up with and adapting to change can be hard but and I’m starting to enjoy the benefits of changing to streaming lik... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Final Cut and Dark Side of the Moon.  
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover)   Larsman yes I tried posting pictures of both but I guess I need the URL code.  I tried copy and paste.  It showed when I initially pasted them but disappeared when  clicked post your response.    
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover)
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd  
Advice on making a speaker change
You’ve replaced everything else, your speakers are next and you know it.  We are seconding your decision to jump.  Suggest buying from a local dealer if possible so you can try in your listening room and return if necessary.  If no local option th... 
Gimme Shelter - Sugden A21 - BBC monitor fanatics
Thanks for the Glitter Twins dialogue.  Very creative.    
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover)
Thanks for posting the pictures.  Great stuff.  How do you post pictures on this site?  I just see the option to include a URL code or link.   
Favorite Cover Album
Wow Leonid and Friends really rock.  Excellent cover/tribute band.  On a related topic, I have started to check out cover/tribute bands at local theaters.  They play the songs I know by heart, the sound in the theaters is excellent, much better th... 
System advice
Sorry you were sold a system that you didn’t like (Hope you let the salesperson and/or dealer know).  If so surprised they didn’t try and make it right.  A reputable dealer wants a satisfied customer because it’s good for you and for their busines...