System advice

I’m still a newbie to audio world, but a couple years ago I got Monitor Audio Platinum PL II speakers with XLO Signature cables (good old stuff), Arcam Alpha 9 amp & preamp and Naim CD5 XS with FlatCap XS. Sound was great for me - juicy, involving, deep. But then I was talked into having the whole stack from Naim. I replaced Arcam amp/preamp with Naim NAC XS 152 & Naim NAP 155 XS. I was told it will be an upgrade from Arcam and that having full stack from Naim will provide great synergy.

The problem is.. I almost stopped listening to the music right after this change. There’s something unpleasant in the sound. There’s a lot of details, good resolution but... I don’t feel amused anymore.

Recently I understood that there is no synergy between speakers/cables and amp/preamp. It’s like some sweetness, warm is missing in this sound..

But now I have no idea in what direction I should go. Any advice for a noobie?



Wild amp thought.  Used CD Premier 11

If you don't like it you can probably get most of your money back.

CJ amps of that era are just on the warm side of neutral to my ears.  

Sorry you were sold a system that you didn’t like (Hope you let the salesperson and/or dealer know).  If so surprised they didn’t try and make it right.  A reputable dealer wants a satisfied customer because it’s good for you and for their business since you’re likely to buy more gear in the future.  Glad to hear you’re going back to your old system.  Suggest waiting until you’ve listened to it and once again like the sound before making any additional changes.  Enjoy your music! 

A small update..

I'm toying with the idea of buying used Lampizator Big 7 with volume control, so I could use it as a preamp. It's available right now on the market with pretty decent price... But there's also an offer for Lampizator GG1 without pre-amp, which obviously is more expensive. Huh.

I also scheduled for this week a visit in local audio shop. I'll try my speakers and cables agains different AMPs and try to figure it out which one works best. They offered me for example: Octave v80, Ayon Spirit and Ayon Crossfire (SET).

To sum up.. 

1) I could start with buying Lampi DAC with pre-amp.

2) Check what AMP is best for my speakers/cables

3) After buying Lampi, borrow one of AMP's and check it at home with speakers/cables/Lampi.


Alternatively. I could pay more for Lampi GG without pre-amp and start looking for integra instead of amp.


Any suggestions, please? :-)





Excellent play.  I have the Golden Gate 3 and have no interest in a preamp.  

Some things to consider with the Big 7 vs the GG:

1. Both use DHT tubes that will give you a big, wonderful, engaging sound.

2.  Do either of the amps have engine 11?  That is Lampizator's latest upgrade and it is worth the difference if available.  Alternatively, Lampizator will generally install the upgrade later but it isn't cheap.  However, engine 11 isn't a deal breaker, without it the DACs will sound better than most, as Gary Koch famously called.

3.  Single ended vs balanced.  I prefer single ended and you should too.  The SE amp uses 2 output tubes vs 4 for the balanced.  I think lampizator built the balanced just because there are fans of the balanced system.  I don't consider it an upgrade.  While the output tubes will likely last forever in the preamp position, having only 2 output tubes will make tube rollling much less expensive.  

4.  Many newer Lampizators have an analog input which is handy if you are using your DAC for a preap and you want to add an analog source, such as a phono (you'll need a phono pre or a SUT) or tape deck.  You can also run your HT front speaker pre-out through it for watching movies if you have an HT system overlaid on your 2 channel system.  so check if either of the DACs you are looking at have this feature.

5.  The DAC is the heart of your system so I agree with putting money into a good DAC.  You've already gotten some advice about your amp.
