
Responses from bassdude

Technics SL 1200GR with What Cartridge???
You guys that have been using a variety of cartridges - which one(s) do you prefer? I’ve been focused on Hana and Grado. The Hana, because it gets so many great reviews (as competing with much more expensive cartridges), and the Grado, because I’... 
Technics SL 1200GR with What Cartridge???
@recordbore "I have a Technics 1200G. If you are looking for an easy to set up and maintain table that will last forever, I think Technics 1200GR is a great choice. I have been using a Hana EL which is very nice. Just replaced it today with a Gr... 
Technics SL 1200GR with What Cartridge???
RE:  Phono preamp - Haven't gotten that far yet.  I don't recall what I used with the Linn Sondek LP12.  And... I don't know which pre's best synergize / mate with what cartridges. So... open to suggestions there.  
Move from Parasound A23 to A21/A21+ or Something Else?
@lordrootman "I will definitely look for A21+... i have own JC5 ,A21+ ,A21 and Hint6 to me A21+ get my vote though it depends on your speakers, but still A21+ is better."   So... you prefer the A21+ to the JC5?    
Move from Parasound A23 to A21/A21+ or Something Else?
Lots of options - but the JC5 would prolly be my choice.  It operates in class A up to about 20 watts - which you may never / rarely exceed.  And you have all the power you will ever need no matter what speakers you may have in future. Ive got 2 ... 
Does measurements really matter?
In a word - NO - measurements do not matter (so long as they're not terrible).   The only thing that matters is how the components sound, which typically / often is not consistent with the measurements.   The most important consideration is how ... 
Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000
ghdprentice "ARC... tube amps are very neutral and natural not remotely syrupy. Your description of what you wanted described it perfectly. Also, ARC gear is very synergistic… the more in the signal path the better it sounds... I never realized h... 
Does Anyone Buy Schiit for the Sake of Schiit?
That is... "many that do not measure well, do sound well..."  
Does Anyone Buy Schiit for the Sake of Schiit?
Have to agree with those who are impressed with the Yggy - there are few DAC’s that sound any better, if any. Got the Yggy v2/OG (whatever) and it is superb in all respects. But... it all depends upon what electronics and speakers you mate it wit... 
Speakers for string Quartets
Without question - the Quad ESL 57’s are the best for the acoustic music that you like. The ATC’s would be also - but they’re expensive. Next choice would be Harbeth 30.1’s / 30.2’s / etc.... which sound very much like the Quad ESL 57’s.  If you... 
Better R2R DAC Recommendation?
Some good alternatives:  Holo Audio May, MHDT Orchid, Denefrips Pontus, etc.... But, you can sometimes find the Schitt Yggdrasil R2R Dac in your price range.  I really like the Yggy, which gets great reviews.  I think I bought mine for around $19... 
How long do you or should you keep your gear.
Yes... I've thought about upgrading to the SEAS woofers also, but wasn't sure the improvement would be worth the cost, and difficulty.  I seem to recall that Don Naples said I had my ASP upgraded to the 3.4 (I sent to him to upgrade - don't recall... 
How long do you or should you keep your gear.
@russbutton 12-24-2021 "I’ve been an audiophile since Nixon was president... But now at age 70, I’ve gotten to Audio Nirvana. ... But then I fire up my custom built Linkwitz Orions and urge to make a change goes away. I’ve had my Orions for 15 ... 
Danny Richie "fixes" the Linkwitz Arion loudspeaker
csmgolf 09-04-2020 "Count me as another that finds fully active speakers to be the way to go. I have fully active Legacy Calibre with crossover duties handled by the Wavelet processor. 6 channels of amplification and lots of ability to adjust and... 
Best upgrade: amp or pre-amp?
Well... yes... the MA8950 appears to be a great integrated amp... but... "there’s always a but"... it is a very, very sophisticated integrated amp... with lots of circuitry and a sophisticated DAC... and comes at a premium price for all of that. P...