Responses from bdgregory
Antivirus protection for dedicated music server like SGC Sonictransporter? Thanks to both of you. I sent an email to Andrew, but in the meantime I’ve resolved the concern in my own mind, and went ahead and ordered the Sonictransporter. the issue is closed . . . | |
Can't remember the name of a band. Lydia Pense and Cold Blood? The were formed in ‘68 though. | |
Best Sound Track Ever Vote for One Gladiator Hans Zimmer/Lisa Gerard Princess Bride Mark Knopfler | |
What tube amp are you using with Von Schweikert VR series speakers I bi-amped my VR4 genIIIs using a TAD 60 on the top, B&K M200’s on the bass. This sounded quite nice. I ran the TAD in triode mode (30watts). Running the TAD full range left me with some flabby bass evening ultralinear mode (50 watts). | |
Acoustic Guitar on Vinyl Bert Jansch - “Rosemary Lane”. Actually, anything by him. Bert Jansch/John Renborn and The Pentangle - “Sweet Child” | |
Who performs Quality Amp repair service ? | |
How to keep the silver cap tightly affixed to the power On/Off lever on my Pioneer SX-1050 Super glue. | |
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding I loved Fleetwood Mack before Nicks and Buckingham, can’t stand them now. I loved the first Journey album ( with Greg Rollie), hated them since. most of the pop rock played on fm radio from the late 70s and on I won’t listen to. | |
Best progressive rock album side Mike Oldfield. “Ommadawn” Camel. “Mirage”. , “Snowgoose”. , “Rajaz” | |
Need some Cart recommendations, $300 - $700 (New/Used) range…warm, full, yet great def. Both the glider and super gold are more detailed, musical, and delicate. The denon is very good, but not the same level. | |
Need some Cart recommendations, $300 - $700 (New/Used) range…warm, full, yet great def. I have and listen regularly to a Grado Sonata, Benz Micro Glider, London Decca Super Gold, and a Denon 103r. The Denon is my least favorite. The Glider and Super gold are stellar- you may want to look into them too. | |
B&K vs ADA which to buy? I had a B&K 5125 which is the version after the 5000ii I believe. It was a wonderful sounding amp. I’m not familiar with the ADA. | |
Miraga M1 vs Totem Mani-2 Mani 2s go fairly low, but I would not say deep bass. You will want a subwoofer for that size room, especially with only 50 watts. | |
My modded guitar amp makes popping sounds under some circumstances You’ll likely have better luck if you post this on that said, why didn’t you just use the headphone jack to input to your presonus, rather than making the mod? | |
Streaming to Multiple Systems around the house Thanks @carlsbad , I'm a complete newbie on streaming, so I'm not familiar with roon or what it does. I've used a tablet playing over bluetooth before getting my Node 2i, so I was thinking in terms of how the Node works, with Tidal and my own dig... |