Responses from benzman
Rogue RP-7 vs MicroZotl. Reference Thanks for the .02 cents. I just never heard one Great reviews though and it does check the boxes. | |
Low incoming voltage I had DTE out and the tech climbed poles and replaced some parts but still not enough to make a difference. I will try to go up the ladder with my complaints and see what happens. Not crazy about spending 5 k on a regenerator just to enjoy my syst... | |
Low incoming voltage 118-120 should be the norm. I actually blew a fuse in one of the amps because of this. The system in no way sounds as good at 110 as it does at 120. Three dedicated 20 amp circuits with 10 Ga Romex The electric co says 110 is acceptable but ... | |
Preamp under $2,000. Check the gain on LTA. Could not get it past ten o’clock in my system. Sounds good though. | |
Persona - Cables and Interconnects I have had great success with Cerious Technologies Graphene Matrix cabling on my Persona 5F replaced top of the line ( at the time) Audience 24SX. 30 day trial. I use both IC and Speaker cabling | |
Need longer cables, and tempted to go with used Audience AU24e. Thoughts? At least go to the SE upgrade. Should be able to find in the 21/2 meter range for 800 or so. Audience will upgrade any model Great company to deal with | |
Persona 3fs - Need advice for 2.1 or 3.1 system in bedroom I have a pair of 5f’s. Forget about a center channel. The Personas do great job of a solid image and you will swear you are running a center channel. Much better for your 2 channel listening also. You can always add a center later if it does not w... | |
Dbx encoded discs I had a DBX unit in my car. Big upgrade over Dolby b in noise and dynamics. Also had home unit. Loved it back in the day. | |
XLR connectors Thanks for tips. I should have mentioned these are for a pair of Odyssey Kismets. Not a true balanced design. XLR just jump off the Single ended inputs thanks again | |
Swarming! I received my Swarm system last week with 2 Dayton amps but unfortunately my room isn’t ready due to the Covid and contractorsDuke’s painter finished them in a furniture grade finish. Windy City color (kinda a greenish gray ) in a Benjamin Moore ... | |
Running signal from balanced outs and single ended at the same time Thanks for the replies. When I purchased the unit I was told that all outputs are activeit is a true balanced design so hopefully won’t have an issue. Getting excited to get into my new room w/swarm stereo setup. | |
Which DAC as a preamp? Cary 600. Friggin awesome as a stand-alone with a 3 volt outputDoes it all and sounds fantastic. Based on AKM 4497 Dac set. 28 lb beast. All sorts of digital ins and outs. Roon , Mqa, integrated SD card reader. It is sweet and you will never t... | |
Lunim T2 vs Cary Audio DMS 600 I have a DMS 600 and sold a T2 All depends on the rest of your system. The T2 can sound fantastic with the right electronics and cabling I have Persona 5 f speakers which are more on the detailed or brighter side of neutral. The T2 would soun... | |
Aurender A10 vs Teac NT505 vs Lumin T2 Loved the micro detail of the Lumin T2 but in my system it was just a little too much of a good thing. The Aurender A10 sounded a little boring after hearing the Lumin but was listenable long termGot rid of both and have a Cary DMS 600 and have ... | |
DMS 600 Owner review Hear ya on the spikes. Takes a little effort. 2 people jobI also had an A10 ,can’t remember having that feature. landscape feature would be nice.Are you using with a Pre-amp? I think the Cary sounds so good it does great as a stand-alone. I have h... |