

Responses from bigjoe

Which is better, Jolida or Cayin?
yesterday i got to hear the hybrid mono's from kavent & i freaked out at how good they are,the build quality "seem's" excellent & they sounded fantastic,these thing's look to be built like tank's,i heard them with a pair of klipschorn's at... 
Can a vintage piece over 40 years old be Highend
the age dont really matter it's how the gear was built to begin with,i actually prefer vintage speakers over most newer model's,i think speaker builder's/designer's have lost their way in the last 20 year's or so. 
Why do no audio enthusiasts use McIntosh?
SIT, i would be interested in knowing what peice of gear that mac wouldnt service for you,ive had terrible luck with them trying to get them to recone speaker's for me now that they changed over to all 4 ohm stuff(junk in my oponion) & ive had... 
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?
well i scored on peice number two,my first post was for the mcintosh xrt 22 speaker's i found.ive had the mc1201 monoblock's for a few month's now & they are the end of the line in amplification for my rig.now if i can find the right preamp &a... 
Best Concert Film
the zappa's universe concert has my vote.mike. 
$8,000 budget--Need help
everything im about to suggest goes against popular choices but your GIANT room present's a ton of problem's & treating a room that size is not cost effective so your gear must be chosen around the room,choosing gear that sound's great at a de... 
Adapting Oversized Spades W/o Reterminating
hard core type's,haha :) 
Adapting Oversized Spades W/o Reterminating
this should do the trick,if it's not configured the way it come's stock they will terminate the end's however you want.{http://www.preludeaudio.com/products/audio-accessories/0utpost-adapter.html}good luck,mike. 
Like my current gear, only better...
your going to be very limited in your choices of gear due to a transferable warranty being a must. 
What new gear will you be buying this year?
Edesilva,ill bet there are alot more guy's that are jealous of your up & comming marrige than you are about some gear.it's nice to find the right woman,congrat's & good luck.mike. 
mcintosh & big $ interconnects
Krellm7,you elite audio guy's kill me not to mention that your last statement really show's your youthfull arogance,i am really into this stuff! & i listen to mcintosh gear plus i picked it over krell,b&w,classe,sunfire,audio research,gold... 
mcintosh & big $ interconnects
Krellm7,you might be right about me not knowing how to listen,i listen to my rig for fun & not to pick apart tiny detail's.i chose mac gear because i liked it & for no other reason,the same could be said about your choice in b&w speake... 
What do you use to CLEAN audio equipment CASES?
hi george,it work's just fine on aluminum :) 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
damm arthur,that's quite a statement. 
pet's & xmas
well our pooch 'kitty' as the kid's call her has totally destroyed everything we bought her except a little purple squeeky alligator that she has been sleeping with,its funny how dog's pick out what they really like & destroy the rest.the bowl...