mcintosh & big $ interconnects

heres the deal, ive tried a ton of gear & i mean a ton & for me the mcintosh sound is it.

im having a real hard time hearing any differences when i try different interconnects,i'll avoid naming any particular brands ive tried but its always the same.

my last interconnect fiasco was with a pair of $300 cables against a pair of el'cheapo cables & i heard nothing, not a single difference.

im just finishing up a new system & i want to try new cables with it but im clueless as to which models work with mcintosh.

please reccomend some cables for the following rig.

mcintosh c2200 tube preamp

mcintosh mc500 amplifier

mcintosh mvp841 cd/dvd

mcintosh mvp831 cd/dvd

cary audio tube dac

mcintosh xrt 22 speakers

my budget will be in the $1500 to $2000 price range(used).

thans, mike.
I agree with Michaela regarding the Cardas cables and Mac gear (Mac 402 and C2200). I use Cardas Golden Reference ic`s pc`s and speaker cables as well as the Golden Cross. Also, I use the Kimber Select ic`s, Bi Focal XL speaker cables and pc`s when a change is needed. Have much success with both.

happy listening
"im having a real hard time hearing any differences when i try different interconnects"
Maybe this is why you choose Mcintosh. You dont know how or can't listen.
Krellm7,you might be right about me not knowing how to listen,i listen to my rig for fun & not to pick apart tiny detail's.

i chose mac gear because i liked it & for no other reason,the same could be said about your choice in b&w speaker's,i found b&w to be a very shrill sounding speaker with zero life in it but you know what they say,different strokes!
I think that combined with Coors and a vacation that the energy or inclination to post so much is a given. Maybe Ori hypnotized me? They just appeared to have a purity(compared to the X-1 at Ori's)to them. I think it's best to actually hear them. I'm not really all that experienced with the highest end of things. I am in search of what affects me in a positive way. I am totally in need of music in my life on a daily basis. As a disclaimer, I only listen to analog, although I heard the X-2's with cd(It made cd less objectionable to me-if that matters.). I should give a better context here to judge what I'm saying. I have been really interested in audio since about 1980, although my finances limited my financial involvement until recently. Within the last two years, I bought a fully kitted-out Linn(circa 1992) for $3700, Nuforce 8b's for $2000, and Signal Cable Silver Resolution wires for around $600. I'm not sure what I'm trying to say other than to give better context to what I'm saying about Oritek X-2's.
Thats ok I still have Magnepan MGIIIA's, CLS IIZ's,Spica TC 60's,705's. This is no lie when I worked at a store where we serviced Mcintosh the technician would laugh at Mcintosh amps with there 30yo IC's Five miles of speaker wire in there output transformers. Don't get me started on there Pre amps & sources. Mcintosh DVD players are Panasonic the OSD is exactly that of the panasonic O & so is the inside.
There is no one who is really into this stuff that listens to Mcintosh.