
Discussions bigkidz has started

PC speakers?25696
Whats the difference bwtwn attenuator and pot ??242273
Does anyone have a schematic for Kinergetics KBA7535121
Small Speaker Recommendations Please31057
Experiences with Nirvana Digital cable ???43704
Recommendations for an Audio System on a budget??24644
Who's Kidding Who ???35639
What amp for McIntosh LS260 speakers45375
Where's Slappy Been Lately ???421016
Anyone using silicone oil for dampening??33179
Old Vandy 2Cs worth the cheap price for starter?32136
Need help with Copying CDs with my PC22713
Guitar Amp Tubes44418
Differences between Sonic Frontiers Power 2 & 160M29792
What 6sn7 tube for Counterpoint modified SA-220?25242