
Discussions bigkidz has started

Music to audition tube peramps with?21175
Tube Preamps with Bass?1401024
Comments on Blue Circle Tube Preamps34083
CJ Preamp LS17/LS 16 Owners Why Did You Sell Yours32695
Counterpoint Preamp Upgrade Sonic Improvements117406
First Sound Tube Preamp Owners some help please?30483
Which Counterpoint Preamp SA-5000 or SA- 5.1???1503515
Levinson Amp Experts, I need your help please566611
Sonic Frontier, Joule or Counterpoint Tube Preamp?39475
Bob Carver Architect's Choice Series II SunfireAmp70625
Silverline La Folia Speakers29572
BAT VK-75SE or Rogue Zeus31152
BAT VK-60 Mono Blocks or VK-75 Stereo28932
Joule Preamp Opinions?25492
Would like to hear Silverline Speakers in NYC/NJ20943