Responses from bigkidz
Solid state to tube Again this comes down to the manufacturer. Now all products provide the same sound quality. You need to determine first the sound you are looking for. There are many different tubes that all have different sound and there are different amp desi... | |
The character of analog and digital Asa manufacturer I can taylor the sound of both so although there are people who have an opinion based on their experiences, all of that can be altered. Happy Listening. | |
Help Building an Audio Room Try contacting Matt Clott (spelling) from TAS. His room is completely done up. He may have some good suggestions for you and possibly some help in purchasing. Happy Listening. | |
Speaker Suggestions $30K Sasha DAW competitor? Interesting suggestions. As I understand it, the Wilsons are set-up by Wilson and are adjusted to your listening room/chair. So they seem to be more of a one person set-up as I understand it. As far as the tweeter, could be your equipment and not ... | |
System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live @atmasphere - LOL Since I play the guitar, no nothing can capture the live perfromance3 of my Les Paul into Marshall amplifiers. We did punch out a Manley Steelhead with parts upgrades and that was a big improvement. Stock form - no so much... | |
Question About Capacitor Upgrade in Tube Amp Lots of good info already post. Parts are not that expensive so have at it. If it was me, I would use the V-Cap ODAM as my first choice and see if that floats your boat. We use them exclusively in our designs. We have also use the copper Milfl... | |
Cary SACD 306 Upgraded @jerrybj - any audio component new or vintage. Google search vujadeaudio for some info on who we are. In NJ come have a listen to what we do. | |
DAC’s @jerryg123 - love to have people stop by and listen to music in our dedicated Listening Room. Speaker manufacturers are sending us speakers so that we can have people have a listen as there are not enough dealers around any longer. PLUS we allow... | |
DAC’s @jerryg123 - why would you think to buy a new unit when there are plenty of used ones on the market. Yeah not the same as just putting a motor in another car. My company manufacturers reference audio components and we have been repairing/upgradi... | |
DAC’s @JERRYG123 - your product may have some of that but (not really) but I asked to send me a Holo May DAC which has none of that. Big difference between the two products. But when I am finished with the Holo May, it will become a reference DAC that... | |
DAC’s @jerryg123 - do you have any experience with upgrading an audio component? Why - simple, to achieve a better sounding system. All mass produced products are built to a price point. For example - when was the last time you looked at a point-to-p... | |
DAC’s Buy the Holo May and send it to me for modification. Then you can be done with all of this. Happy Listening. | |
Cary SACD 306 Upgraded We are a manufacturer of audio components But we have been repairing audio components for 20+ years now. Typically don't get many CDPs in to repair but we can repair/upgrade/modify anything as long as we can get parts. google vujadeaudio to... | |
Cary SACD 306 Upgraded Yeah will hear it more tonight. It is for another Audiogon member who is going to be very happy if and when I return it! | |
Bedini Amp repair All good recommendations. We repair and manufacturer out own audio components here in New Jersey. Can repair and upgrade your gear if you want to ship it to us. Happy Listening |