

Responses from bigtex22

The two stages of audiophilia
Hopefully exiting Stage 1 soon, now that I’ve ordered a new system. That said, it’s fun as hell incessantly researching and geeking out on the gear! 
Krell K-300i (with its optional DAC) vs. McIntosh MA7200 (with DA1) vs. ? (including DAC)
@oldaudiophileTo your question on speaker placement, when I demoed the SF Olympica Nova V, they had the speakers pulled out in front of the gear too. I asked the dealer about placement and he suggested that against the wall will be fine, and may a... 
Krell K-300i (with its optional DAC) vs. McIntosh MA7200 (with DA1) vs. ? (including DAC)
I just purchased the McIntosh MA8900 and Sonus Faber Olympica Nova V speakers, so putting my money where my mouth is. But I do wonder how much of a sonic bump you’d get just from the integrated amp upgrade..?  Speakers would be my next move.  
If Power Cords Don't Matter...
@holmz They haven’t delivered yet but I’ll be sure to report back! 
If Power Cords Don't Matter...
I just let my dealer talk me into $3,500 of Synergistic Research speaker cables and power cords, so you believers better be right! 
Best Mesh WiFi System
Another vote for Orbi.  
Cornwall IV and subwoofers
I demoed the Cornwall IVs a few weeks ago and the bass floored me and my wife, when turned up. I can’t imagine adding subs to these.  
Recommendations for speakers with Luxman 509x
Another vote for Sonus Faber.  In your price range, the Sonetto VIIIs would be a good choice - the wife would love the looks and they would pair beautifully with the Lux.  Congrats! 
Polk S-8 Speakers getting old
What type of music do you listen to?  What’s your price range?  Have you considered another set of Polks? 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
@campaigner8 Why are so many posts about how much product McIntosh sells annually?I think the point is that so many people wouldn’t be buying $5K+ audio components if it wasn’t really good.  And the strong resale value further reinforces that.  Pe... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
Interesting, McIntosh owners don’t feel the need to bash other gear. While owners of other gear seem to have to justify their purchase over McIntosh. Just an observation. This. 
You own a store, you sell 2 brands, which?
Sonus Faber and McIntosh 
Mcintosh Ma 7200 Vs Ma 8900 Dilemma
I debated both of these and just ordered the 8900 today.  I’ll be streaming my music, so can use this for radio.  The controls will be nice. 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
I just purchased a new stereo setup today after a lengthy demo:  McIntosh MA8900 integrated amp, Sonus Faber Olympica Nova Vs, and a Roon Nucleus + streamer.  Very stoked on getting this order in and setup in our living room! 
Pimp my speakers: Sonus Faber vs. Focal
Well, I just put my 50% down on my order.  Got the Sonus Faber Olympica Nova 5s and a new Roon Nucleus + server.  Can’t wait until they get in!