

Responses from bigtex22

McIntosh Group purchased by PE firm
Bro, you lost me at “Mc has been 3rd rate forever and will remain so.”  Haters gonna hate.   
Roon Nucleus as a Streamer
I use the Nucleus + and run it with my McIntosh integrated amp, with DAC, and a Tidal subscription as the source.  It sits on a shelf underneath my amp and makes absolutely zero noise (I mention that as I wasn’t clear on the comments upthread abou... 
McIntosh Group purchased by PE firm
Private equity will look to “value engineer” costs down.   
Best Smaller Bookshelf Speakers For Use Exclusively With Ambient Music?
I would look at Sonos. I know it’s not high end audiophile, but it’s well within your budget and sounds good (I run a pair in my office).   
Marantz Ruby PM KI amp vs Accuphase e-480 or e-380
Let your ears decide.   
I finally purchased a new Integrated Amp
Terrific integrated, congrats!    
mcintosh c-12000
From the specs, it looks like a killer preamp.  Will be curious to see who has got their hands on one yet and what they think.  
How about Mac and Accuphase
Lots of Accuphase fans talk about how much better it is than McIntosh.  It’s harder to find, making it more exclusive, which I suspect drives a lot of the “it’s better…” comments.  I’ve never owned Accuphase but have no doubt it’s top-notch stuff.... 
Mcintosh MC7300 or Mc402
Agree with some of the above comments that this might be overkill for Klipsch speakers given the efficiency.  Agree that you may want to try a tube amp as i hear they pair extremely well.  
Do you consider cables to be a "component" of your system?
Yes, I believe cables are a component, but in terms of impact vs. speakers, amp, or source, it’s much less in my experience.  While I would advise someone putting together a new system to budget for upgraded cabling, there’s a diminishing point of... 
Was my friend given misinformation.
I get all my purchasing advice from $13/hour retail clerks who live in their mom’s basement.   
My last Integrated Amp: $5-10,000?
In your price range, you could bump up to a McIntosh 8950 which has 200 watts and their autoformers. Great unit and you can’t beat the resale value.   
Considering moving on from B&W...
If you’re rocking a Mac amp, I’d take a hard look at Sonus Faber. Much warmer speaker and they pair well with McIntosh. Of course, I’m biased!  
Which DACs are known to be sweet/rich/relaxed?
You need this:  https://www.mcintoshlabs.com/products/new-products/MCD12000    
Roon Support, or lack thereof
I’m a Roon Nucleus + owner as well, having just purchased earlier this year.  This experience is troublesome to me.  I agree and would expect them to have better customer service.  Good luck getting your new unit.  When it works, it’s fantastic.