

Discussions blisshifi has started

Educate me about gain and amp/preamp matching302310
Legacy Wavelet as Preamp/DAC/DSP vs just DSP880723
The History Behind Viva Linea?44946
Synergistic Research Atmosphere - Infinity or Mini X4?25061
ModWright KWA 150 SE as mono blocks34841
Which SC? Cerious GE or SR Atmosphere L2?22450
My next Coax / SPDIF after Green Hornet419019
Oppo 105, Oppo 205, or Legacy SACD (Esoteric, Cary CD 306, etc)507217
Primaluna Dialogue Premium vs VPI 299D?69455
PrimaLuna Prologue Premium vs Luxman SQ-N10 ?1053618
Hi-res digital audio vs sacd1685524
Are you using DH Labs?1669919
Luxman CL34: How does it compare today?143105
Upgrade from DV 17D3, looking for recommendations!273424
Recommendations for rolling tubes on Luxman SQ-N10?674312