Responses from bo1972
Entire system cable recommendation Purist Audio make in my opinion the best powercables. Audioquest does not even come close. I tested them and compared them. Purist Audio does every single part better than there competitors. | |
Entire system cable recommendation It is even more simple: Purist Audio powercables, Audioquest loudspeakercable. Interlinks I would go for AQ or Kimber. I have sold many Pl-300's. I played with them for over 5 years with the Nordost Valhalla. But the new AQ loudspeakercables are s... | |
Tough decision, samsung Samsung PN65F8500 or The Samsung F8500 plasma is the strongest screen in light output of the world at this moment. Also there is no led screen with almost 11000 ansilumen. The depth of the F8500 is f...aweseome. Even commercials is great to watch. For the money it is ... | |
B&W 804 Diamond vs Dynaudio Focus 380 Dynaudio make better crossovers. But compared to Monitor Audio they do not reach that level. Monitor Audio is also a lot better in timing and respons. | |
B&W 804 Diamond vs Dynaudio Focus 380 B&W have these problems for a long time now. At a show of B&W I point out these problems. And during listening I showed them. They did not say anything. They knew I was right. Depth and playing fully loose from the speaker is the key to th... | |
Speakers with fullness and weight? how much weight you want and need...... | |
Tough decision, samsung Samsung PN65F8500 or Internet use and also app use of the F8500 is very good. This I would normally not use. But wenn it is that easy as with the F8500, it is maybe worth it to use. Menu settings with the F8500 is a lot better and easy to use compared to the menu sett... | |
Tough decision, samsung Samsung PN65F8500 or The quality of both Panasonic and Samsung plasma's are these year f...awesome. Wenn you want for less money a flawless image with superior blacks, realistic colours, smooth image and a sharp image the ST60 is unbeatable. You must be a f..cow to bu... | |
Tough decision, samsung Samsung PN65F8500 or All the filter settings of the Samsung and Panasonic has to be set to off. Wenn you buy a Panasonic most of the filters are set on. Check at the shops if they have set these to off. To compare them only make sense wenn they are set right. Ask how ... | |
B&W 804 Diamond vs Dynaudio Focus 380 I would go listen to the Monitor Audio Pl-200. Wenn you use an amp like Pass labs you will get a very deep and wide stage with this speaker. In timing and respons it is faster than the 804. It is superior in 3-dimensional image compared to B&W... | |
Moving up from Cardas Clear The new Transparent does not have the level in blacks what the best Audioquest can give. At a audioshow this year I was the absolute sound. I played full PAD Limited Edition 2013 powercabels and Redwood 2013. Many people even audio shopowners neve... | |
Moving up from Cardas Clear Purist Audio makes the best powercords. I love them. In drive and in letting you hear all the layers of the lowest freq they are stunning.I never heard a powercable with this open mid freq. The 2013 LE is my favorite powercable. This year I also b... | |
Tough decision, samsung Samsung PN65F8500 or The blacks of the Samsung with the extra light output gives a more 3-dimensional image ( even without glass) compared to the Panasonic. The Audioquest pure silver hdmi cable can give you even more light output. It also is superior in speed and sha... | |
Tough decision, samsung Samsung PN65F8500 or This year I sold a few Panasonic plasma's. In the lower price tags I prefer them over Samsung. The ST60 is for the money a bargain. Like I love the 42 inch GT60, Panasonic has no competition at all in these price range. The light output is better ... | |
Very large room HT I would go for an amp with roomcorrection. |