Responses from bo1972
Dali Epicon 2 or Monitor Audio PL100 I sold Dali for over 8 years as well. When it would be better, I would sell it. I can sell want I want. You can read in the answer that I sell it. I don't have anything to hide! | |
Class A or AB amp for JBL S4700 speakers Your speakers are very difficult to compare with others. You only can find out to listen to it with your own speakers. In 2006 I bought a set 800 Signatures. I live in the Netherlands and bought them in germany. I had to drive 7 hours to get there... | |
Looking for Amp suggestions or Avalon speakers Physical image between a wide and deep stage is a different aspect. I have even proven this to Avalon owners. One of mu best friends had a concertroom with A Steinway wing. Here he gave clasical concerts for about 60 people. Instrtuments and voice... | |
Looking for Amp suggestions or Avalon speakers Pass Labs .5 series had more depth than Ayre. But I prefer the realism in the mid freq. of the Pass Labs over the Ayre mid freq. as well. Audioquest is at this moment very good in every single part you judge a cable for. Depth the same thing! | |
Audioquest NRG 10 power cord The Kimber PK-10 is a good one for not a lot of money. | |
Looking for Amp suggestions or Avalon speakers You need to be aware that the weakest point of Avalon is what I call intimate sound. This is a physical small and realistic proportion of instruments and voices. Avalon is very good in a wide and deep stage, but within this stage you want a superi... | |
Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors I have the oposite experience. I still own the F50, but in a comparison with the OyaideF1 this was superior in my set. | |
Class A or AB amp for JBL S4700 speakers Accupase has a nice musical sound, but there is more than only a nice sound. I said it many times: you only get a deep and wide stage when an amp, source, speakers and cables are good at it.I auditioned Accuphase at shows and at my work in over 16... | |
Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors I understand your remarks about the warmer sound by gold connectors. But you should not forget that even it sounds more warm you still loose details. It often has to do with the properties of other parts in your set what causes it. When a set has ... | |
Class A or AB amp for JBL S4700 speakers The thing I don't like about Accupahse is that there stage in deptp and width is not of higend level. In the world of Highend, I could not sell it to my clients. It is not good enough. And you know I hate inferior Audio. There is too much inferior... | |
Dali Epicon 2 or Monitor Audio PL100 The Platinum is a much better speaker. The robbontweeter in teh gold series is of a lower quality. The Platinum is a lot more natural sounding. The stage depth and width is also a big difference. Inside the Platinum Monitor Audio uses full silver ... | |
Audioquest NRG 10 power cord Audioquest make good powercables, but not stunning. It also depends in which price range your are looking for. | |
Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors Rhodium often have more authority. I have the Furutech FI-50's as well. But the Oyaide F1 is superior to them. Better dynamics and also more details. | |
Dali Epicon 2 or Monitor Audio PL100 The crossovers of the Pl-100's are superior. The stage is a lot deeper and wider than the Dali can give. Besiude this the ribbontweeter is much more open and realistisc in the high freq. I use the PLC-150 myslef, stunning centre. It can build the ... | |
Class A or AB amp for JBL S4700 speakers Do you have options to lend some amps, so you can compare? I think it is the only way to find the one for you! |