

Responses from bobrock

Review: Purist Audio Design Proteus Interconnect
what if I can not afford The proteus? What about Venustas? 
Purist Audio Design Character and tone
Venustas is as high as I have auditioned and is not cheap. I question the need to go beyond it...its that good all around. 
Purist Audio Design Character and tone
I am a purist owner and to be honest, with your Krell/Totem combo my first choice would be to try Kimber cables. If you dont like those and wanted to give Purist a shot...try either the new elementa advance praesto or the more expensive venustas. ... 
Purist Audio, Venustas or Aqueous
interesting...I own a pair Elac FS 68 speakers, using Musaeus praesto speaker cable and Elementa Advance IC's. Musaeus power cords on amp and cdp. I would not change anything at the moment. I made a short video of my system on Youtube. I know you ... 
? about oppo
I dont have an ayre palyer...I have a Thule audio DVA 120 universal. I got it from the last distributor when Thule went under. For the record, cd playback on it is great. I am only looking around for better video performance as it does not have hd... 
What's the bottom line on Oppo 980 for CD playback
I can recommend 3 as universal players...the atoll dv200, new NAD M56, and arcam DV139 or later. all are very good at CD playback. None of these are cheap, but not as expensive as Mcintosh, Krell or Esoteric. You could try and find a used Linn uni... 
? about oppo
I dont get this thread, or the other one comparing oppo to Mcintosh. Has anyone done an A/B of oppo against companies that make a similarly priced player? For example, Cambridge Audio, NAD, Arcam, YBA design? Mcintosh is up there with Krell, Ayer ... 
Purist Audio, Venustas or Aqueous
So many seem to recommend aqueous but, is the bass not better with venustas? also, I was told it is a more musical cable...that should count for something. And what if you have forward sounding speakers like I have (Elacs) seems Venustas would be ... 
Who has dumped the power conditioner?
I just want to add that I have owned two conditioners from different companies with mixed results. One constant remained...they both seemed to soften the presentation somehow-like rounding the edges ( the softening happened at the frequency extrem... 
Grant Fidelity Reference Tube CD-1000 Player
I share michaels skepticism. I looked at picking up their power conditioner and it said it ships directly from their hong kong warehouse? sales & importation taxes to be collected by courier? They claim it competes with other conditioners cost... 
Elac speakers
when you get it all together post some reviews on here and audioreview.com Elac needs more press in North America. 
Static noise from speakers
I have the same problem but my amp is solid state. Any ideas? could it be a grounding issue? Should I try cleaning the contacts? Is it a bad contact? 
static charge
Just wanted to follow up...I have since changed speakers and the static still exists, even when my source is off...it seems to me it must be related to the amp somehow. I dont know what it could be though. Maybe a grounding issue? the static if co... 
Elac speakers
I have the FS 68. I agree they line a lot of current by mine are fine in bass, after the break-in. Takes a while. I use Thule audio integrated amp and it works well. I use Purist audio cables so brightness is minimized. I am really happy with thes... 
Elac Loudspeakers?
just a follow-up...my FS 68 have been breaking in and bass is better now...these need time to settle in but do like lots of current IMOP. I am using cables from purist audio design with the elacs and work very well with them. I dont understand why...