Responses from bondmanp
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ? I have dedicated listening and viewing nook in my basement, so , sure, I would trade up. But my retirement apartment that I will move into in 3 years already has a room that will be my listening room, so no harshing my buzz! | |
Changing from European to American power supply on clearaudio emotion TT There are voltage and frequency converters, but they are pricey. Look here: | |
Streamers under $1500 Check out Small Green Computer and their selection of Sonare streamers. Excellent sound at reasonable prices, IMHO. | |
Speakers On Wheels? If your floor is perfectly level, four wheels should be fine. If not, three gives you a better shot at your speakers being stable. | |
Speakers On Wheels? Two things to consider: Hire a piano mover to hoist the speakers up through a window. Also, if you're not a DIY type of guy, Sound Anchors will custom make just about anything you want at a fair price. I am very happy with the custom cradle base... | |
Ohm Speakers Status Update @tksteingraber Your 2000s have a tweeter attenuation switch? That used to be available only in the 5000s, IIRC. My 2000s are an early production pair, and lack any controls. When did you buy yours? | |
Ohm Speakers Status Update @oldaudiophile Interesting. When I worked briefly at Sixth Avenue Electronics in NJ, we sold Bose and a few decent brands, like NHT and Paradigm. The Bose were on display only in a separate alcove. They were not allowed to be displayed where the... | |
Ohm Speakers Status Update @audionoobie Interesting. I also bought a pair of Vandy 1Cs from a local Jersey dealer. This was in 2000. I since added a pair of 2Wq subs. I upgraded my electronics until I felt that I had taken the 1Cs as far as they could go. The natural ... | |
Andrew Singer Of "Sound by Singer" passed away yesterday I was in the 15th Street store years ago for a manufacturer's rep night. Can't recall the speakers, but I think it was VAC gear. After the demos, Andy asked me what I thought of the sound. I sheepishly replied that I could never afford the speake... | |
Napping while listening I often nod off while listening in the evening after work. I nap on Saturday and usually have a great Saturday night listening session. Sunday evenings are pretty good, too. Just under 2 years to retirement... can’t wait to ramp up my needle drop... | |
resonance at 500 Hz using headphones - maybe need a different DAC? I am quite familiar with the technician you used. Unfortunately, he is retired, otherwise, I would suggest that you have him investigate. I owned the same Beringer DAC that he modified. It was an excellent DAC, and I only replaced it because I wan... | |
Solar Eclipse Music I can't believe I got to this first: The Sky's Gone Out by Bauhaus | |
what's a good Gan / Class D option under 3k? Nilai or Ncorex500? I don't know what chips it uses, but the Arion Audio S500 amp fits what you want in every regard. I have had it for 5 years now, and I couldn't be happier. | |
Where was the best reproduced sound you ever heard? This one was unexpected. At a Stereophile show in Manhattan in 2005(?), Roman Audio Centurions powered by Krell gear. We put on a Brad Mehldau JVC XRCD, a sampler, "In the Wee Small Hours of the Night". About a dozen people in the room, and nob... | |
Is There a New Record Pressing Machine Out There? Not sure any record presses are new. I visited one plant that had bought a couple of old ones from a sneaker manufacturer who had repurposed some record presses to make sneakers. He converted them back to press LPs. |