
Responses from bpoletti

Need advice on used Wilson Audio speakers
In my opinion....I found the "early" Wilsons to have hard sounding tweeters that were not particularly well-integrated.  That even extended to Wilson's big room at (IIRC) the Golden Nugget at the 1997 Vegas CES.  Dynamics, yes.  Fatiguing high fre... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Giving the cartridge and table a little break.  Listening to seedies tonight.  Going to sample some old favorite Merc's. 
The Weekend
There was no music performed during the superbowl half time.  Hasn't been any in years. 
Single driver speakers. Are they worth considering ?
Mark Audio makes some nice full range speakers.  The large metal drivers can suffer from cone brealup, but the paper ones not so much.  The Alpair 7 metal-cone driver in a "Pensil" MLTL enclosure can be quite musically satisfying.  Don't expect ro... 
Acoustic treatment question: do you agree with Dennis Foley that $46k to $65k is required?
Bull schlockey.  He's selling treatments at unnecessarily high expense.  If there is a need for room treatment (pretty much EVERY room)....Get a bunch of 5-foot artificial ficus trees.  ~ $40 each from At Home (home furnishing store).  Fabulous di... 
Building new system starting with power amp. What would you choose ?
Go to your favorite audio dealer(s) and listen.  Learn.  Observe.  Make a judgement.Just keep in mind that tube amps require care and feeding that solid state amps do not.  Depending of the rest of your system, a very good solid state amp will giv... 
Best upgrade for cd player?
Depending on the cartridge, a VPI classic can out-dynamic, out-detail and out-nuance even a really good CD.   But I think the OP might be looking for a DAC.  Use the existing CD player and coax connect into the DAC.   Lots of used DACs here, on e... 
What tests would you like all speaker reviewers to do for their reviews?
I think all speaker reviewers should attest that their hearing aids are all equally calibrated. 
Dedicated power
Think this through.  Every circuit on a given breaker box leg runs in parallel.  Each device on a given leg is in parallel with every other device.  So....  If there is anything on the same leg in your breaker panel, that noise will enter into the... 
Tube virgin looking for tube amp under $3k
$3,000 is not all that much for an amp.  You should definitely listen VERY CAREFULLY before you invest.  Do objective comparisons between tube and solid state amps.  You don't have to listen to every amp on the market, but consider listening to wh... 
Tube virgin looking for tube amp under $3k
Why do you thin k you WANT a tube amp?  Why not choose an amp that meets your musical needs and tastes?  And what makes you think tube amps are better than solid state?  It's ALL in the design.  Good solid state amps in the price range you're talk... 
New Audiophile going crazy
OP,You are completely wrong. Only long-term audiophiles are truly crazy. It takes years of unfulfilled obsession and frustration to reach the level of experienced audiophile crazy. You’ve only entered the outer bands. 
Looking for a tube Preamp new or used for under $2000...
Instead of just making an arbitrary decision to get a tube amp, why not just get an amp that sounds like what you want for under $2,000?  Just because an amp uses tubes does not make it good or better than other alternatives.  And keep in mind the... 
Speaker cable length
The point the OP made about not using monoblocks is not a failure of those who are suggesting minimum-length speaker cables.  It is a shortcoming in his system.  We can't be expected to fix his problems.   
Best type of metal for turntable platform?
Soft lead is a good material for a platform.  Lead also works well when added to a well-damped platter to add mass.  VPI's best turntable platters were the 25 lbs acrylic-lead ones.    Unfortunately, lead is considered unsafe and does not meet RoH...