
Responses from bpoletti

Jelco SA-750D cartridges
I used a Jelco SA-750D for years.  Had very good success with an AT OC9/II and Lyra Clavis Da Capo.  Both carts were mounted in the "stock" Jelco headshell that came with the arm.  From that experience, I would expect any of the AT carts in the OC... 
Jelco Tk-850l tonearm counterbalance
I think there's a heavier counterweight available from Jelco or an aftermarket source.  Another option might be to use a lighter headshell.  Shaving a gram or two at the cartridge end will make a difference at the counterweight end.     
And yet nobody, even the manufacturers, can say how many hours a stylus can play before it needs replacement.  Maybe just listen for a degradation of image and soundstage.  Maybe depth of image and layering.  Those are indications that the stylus ... 
Audio Furniture has its own sound!
Maple under the turntable is a good idea.  Vibrapod pucks could help, might try Vibrapod cones.  That also applies to the corners of your electronics.  That's been my experience.    I've also used metal cones with good success.  Got some of them f... 
PROAC D48R Bass Booming
Another possible suggestion is to place the speakers asymmetrically in the room. Have one speaker places closer to the side wall than the other. One speaker closer to the back wall than the other. Move the listening position so that the speakers a... 
PROAC D48R Bass Booming
To to a local @home, Hobby Lobby or other store that sells artificial plants.  Buy four of five large, leafy artificial plants and position them along the back wall, and between and behind the speakers.  Don't be afraid to use 6-foot or taller pla... 
Best cartridge for very old worn vinyl
It's not necessarily the cartridge itself, but the size and profile of the stylus.  Many early cartridges used spherical or elliptical stylii that rode fairly high in the groove.  That's where the wear will be.  If you can get a cartridge with a V... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Mahler 1, Boston, RCA.  Reader's Digest Festival of Light Classics, various selections.  Firebird Suite, Shaw/Atlanta, Telarc 
Wide baffle speakers are better than narrow
@erik_squires    So you're saying that the crossover doesn't matter?  That the crossover can't be tweaked to make a speaker sound good regardless of the baffle width?  Is that what you're REALLY saying?   
First Moving Coil (MC) Cartridge Acquisition
I'm using a Herron VTPH-2A and a rebuilt Clavis Da Capo with an output of 0.25mv.  No problem with gain.  I am considering an ART7 as a second cartridge (0.12mv) or if the Clavis Da Capo experiences a catastrophic failure.   
First Moving Coil (MC) Cartridge Acquisition
You could try an AT OC9/II cartridge.  It's a a very good performer and a great match for a VTPH-2a and the Jelco SA-750 arm.  I have used that combination in the past.  Or if you want to try a cartridge with a higher level of performance, there's... 
Speakers or room
Have you tried putting in four or five large leafy plastic plants?  Scatter a few of them around the room, particularly along the wall behind and between the speakers.  The leaves act as small diffusers.  Works well for me.  And it's 1/10th the pr... 
What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?
Oh boy, that takes me back.  Bozak Concert Grands.  Late 70s / early 80s.  Tri-amped with a pair of Dyna ST70s and a Hafler DH-100 driven by a modded Hafler DH-101.  ARC tube electronic crossover.  AR table modded with a Grace 707 arm and a Shure ... 
How many times have you ...
If I buy a reissue, it's to acquire a recording I didn't have in my collection or to replace one that was damaged through the years.  That said, I did get one of the early reissues of the RCA Reiner "Scheherazade" a few years ago.  A friend had an... 
Cat jumped on turntable
@john_g - I had Soundsmith replace the cantilever and stylus in an old Lyra Clavis Da Capo with a Boron cant and line contact stylus. Thought I'd see if the cart could get a second life.  I was quite satisfied. The rebuild with the Boron stylus ou...