Are the speakers placed in front of the long or short wall?
Can you move them 24" from the side wall? Also Can you move them 50" from the front wall. Also try with the classic ProAc toe-in; which is to angle at the listening position with the "inner" side wall slightly visible from listening position. If that does not work, try to aim them straight ahead.
Looking at your profile, I think you have marble/til floors and thick concrete walls. So bass trapping in the corner will also help. The bass on these babies is certainly not "loose". It is super tight if the right.
The IsoAcoustic Gaia II will certainly help providing definition to the bass.Try to adjust the speaker position. The more you get it "into" the room, the less bass. Do your best before your decide to part away with this PHENOMENAL loudspeaker. Good luck!
Are the speakers placed in front of the long or short wall?
Can you move them 24" from the side wall? Also Can you move them 50" from the front wall. Also try with the classic ProAc toe-in; which is to angle at the listening position with the "inner" side wall slightly visible from listening position. If that does not work, try to aim them straight ahead.
Looking at your profile, I think you have marble/til floors and thick concrete walls. So bass trapping in the corner will also help. The bass on these babies is certainly not "loose". It is super tight if the right.
The IsoAcoustic Gaia II will certainly help providing definition to the bass.Try to adjust the speaker position. The more you get it "into" the room, the less bass. Do your best before your decide to part away with this PHENOMENAL loudspeaker. Good luck!