

Responses from bradz

Suggestions on Tube Pre-amp. Please
I also agree that you should give a Rogue 66 a listen. There is one for sale right now on audiogon (centurymantra member). I used a Rogue 66 for about a year and loved it and then decided to move up to the Rogue 99. The Rogue customer service is o... 
Virtual Dynamics Recall
Have you received the splitter Sherod from VD and what have your results been? 
Best 6sn7 for a Magnum Rogue 99?
Thanks for the congrats on my new esl amp...I love it. Where can I find the Kenrad tubes and how do you think they'd compare to my current nos Russian's? Thanks. 
Best 6sn7 for a Magnum Rogue 99?
Hey David...Have you compared the nos Russian's to any other tube and with what results? 
Best Component Ever, for the money
Sold a Rogue 66 for $900. and bought a Rogue 99 for $1100. Spent another $350. for the Magnum upgrade which brought the total price for the Rogue 99 Magnum to $1450. ($2400. retail)! Have been happy ever since. 
Virtual Dynamics Recall
How much is the P3 extension Sherod? I'm using a cryo'd P2 on my cdp and a P3 on my amp and have loved the results! I'm thinking of adding a P3 extension to my dvd and another P3 to my tube pre. Would there be a big difference when I replace a asy... 
Sellers adding for PayPal use is plainly BS
My question is: Why do some sellers ONLY accept Pay Pal and not a money order or check? I was ready to buy some tubes from someone who only accepts Pay Pal and mentioned that I would rather pay by money order and was turned down! I didn't talk dow... 
Need Recommendations for Amp/Pre or Integrated
I use to own a Odyssey Stratos amp paired with a Rogue 66 and was very happy until the upgrade bug hit me. You might also want to consider the Rogue Tempest integrated amp which has been praised here and on audioasylum. The customer service from R... 
Best tube for Cal Sigma 2
I've remember reading that alot of people use 5751 tubes instead of the 12ax7 tube. One gentleman suggested using a Raytheon 5751 tube instead of a 12ax7 tube. The Raytheon apparently is very smooth yet extremely detailed. 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
1.) 2002 Toyota sr5 "sport" 4-runner2.) BMW M3 3.) Ferrari f355 or MB clk55 AMG coupe. 
What's your tube pre doing?
Rwd the AE 3 is a Audio Electronic Supply tubed pre. It can be found at: www.audioelectronicsupply.com . I am in no way afilliated with them, just wanted to inform you. 
Any experience with cryo'ed cables / IC'S ?
Thanks Gunbei. Sounds like good advice. I'll give Rick a call to see what he recommends. The power 2 is cryo'd but the power 3 is not. My guess too is that the Cary would benefit more with the power 2. I'll let you know my results! 
Any experience with cryo'ed cables / IC'S ?
I've since also bought a power 2 cryo and am wondering how it differs from the power 3. Would the power 2 be better on the amp and the power 3 on my cdp or is it a matter of experimentation? 
Any experience with cryo'ed cables / IC'S ?
I saw your system components under the virtual systems....nice set up Gunbei! I'll be getting a power 3 pc next week and plan on trying it on my Cary 303 cdp and also on my Innersound esl amp. 
Any experience with cryo'ed cables / IC'S ?
Hey Gunbei, What does the rest of your system consist of? Did you compare the AP Oval 9 to the Virtual Dynamic speaker cables and with what results?